What NG frag oils hold scent for a long time???

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I used Ms. Brenda's tutorial for HP in a crock pot. However, another great tutorial is on Gracefruit's blog and you could also check out youtube for videos. But I'd recommend you read the tutorials first so you can tell if a video has accurate info. I've seen some videos on youtube which are inaccurate and sometimes instructions which are unsafe.

I stumbled across this tutorial for HP on the stove. I was amused by her writing style and she has lots of pictures showing the steps the soap goes through while it's cooking. However, I'd recommend using a double boiler if you're only doing a small batch.

You can use any of your recipes for hot process. You're just accelerating saponification by doing it with a heat source.

Tip: right click on the links and then click "Open Link in New Tab". I've noticed lately that clicking on links takes me away from SMF to another site.
One more question, I am also looking for an orange scent to mix with vanilla for creamsicles and the fresh squeezed OJ didnt make it thru cp soap strong, anyone have a suggestion?
Genny said:
Orange, even in fo form, doesn't stick great in cp. When I do orange fo, I anchor it.
I did use litsea and cornstarch but its still not great.
flavapor said:
Genny said:
Orange, even in fo form, doesn't stick great in cp. When I do orange fo, I anchor it.
I did use litsea and cornstarch but its still not great.

Hmmm..was it Fresh Squeezed Orange from NG? That one sticks pretty well for me. I do soap cool though. How much are you using?
Genny said:
flavapor said:
Genny said:
Orange, even in fo form, doesn't stick great in cp. When I do orange fo, I anchor it.
I did use litsea and cornstarch but its still not great.

Hmmm..was it Fresh Squeezed Orange from NG? That one sticks pretty well for me. I do soap cool though. How much are you using?

yes thats the one I used. It was 1 oz per pound
One final question flavapor. Are you adding 1 oz. of FO ppo? The reason I ask is that some of the fragrances you mentioned that were not strong, I have found to be VERY strong for a really long time. (i.e. WSPs Sun & Sand kept my house smelling like Coppertone sun tan lotion for months)