What is a good replacement for Vitamin E?

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
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I like using Vitamin E but it is expensive and hard to find that isn't really really expensive. What would be a good oil to use in its place?
I use it in my lotions and body butter. Just an additive that is good for skin helping heal. I don't use as a preservative.
Well, some use grapefruit extract or rosemary oleoresin; and personally I love bisabolol, calendula, and aloe. Don't know if it would make much difference in price though...
Well it is expensive but when you consider how much you need to use you'd probably spend more on shea or cocoa butter per lotion bar.....everythings relative I spose. :?
artisan soaps said:
canyonhorses said:
I use it in my lotions and body butter. Just an additive that is good for skin helping heal. I don't use as a preservative.

Good thing as it's NOT a preservative ;)

What about other oils high in it, Wheatgerm, Almond, Safflower, Sunflower etc, and some skin loving EO's like Carrot & Calendula ?

yup!! its an antioxidant! :)
I use it in my lotions and body butter. Just an additive that is good for skin helping heal. I don't use as a preservative.
Why not just skip it and use oils that are high in Vitamin E?
My favorites are almond and avocado but there are plenty of others.

New Directions Aromatics:
Many carrier oils – including Almond, Apricot Kernel, Babassu, Canola, Corn, Flaxseed, Grapeseed, Hazelnut, Olive, Oat, Palm, Poppyseed, Rice Bran, Safflower, Soybean, Sunflower, and Wheat Germ – are also natural sources of a high Vitamin E content, making them suitable for use as Liquid Vitamin E substitute.

On the other hand, I take 1,000 IU Vitamin E daily. It's wonderful for dry skin.
For soaps and lotion, I squeeze 1 capsule PPO into the melted FAs, not only for skin benefits, but for it's antioxidant ability as well. At 27¢ per capsule, it doesn't add much to the overall cost. Especially not as much as the essential oils cost these days.

2¢ Worth.gif
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Why not just skip it and use oils that are high in Vitamin E?
My favorites are almond and avocado but there are plenty of others.

New Directions Aromatics:
Many carrier oils – including Almond, Apricot Kernel, Babassu, Canola, Corn, Flaxseed, Grapeseed, Hazelnut, Olive, Oat, Palm, Poppyseed, Rice Bran, Safflower, Soybean, Sunflower, and Wheat Germ – are also natural sources of a high Vitamin E content, making them suitable for use as Liquid Vitamin E substitute.

On the other hand, I take 1,000 IU Vitamin E daily. It's wonderful for dry skin.
For soaps and lotion, I squeeze 1 capsule PPO into the melted FAs, not only for skin benefits, but for it's antioxidant ability as well. At 27¢ per capsule, it doesn't add much to the overall cost. Especially not as much as the essential oils cost these days.

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This post is from 2009, 14 yrs old, canyon horses hasn't been here for 11 yrs, doubt they will see this.