What happened to common courtesy?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 16, 2008
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When I am sitting in an expensive dimly lit restaurant with my husband I should not have to spend the next hour and a half trying to hear him over your screaming kids. Just saying...
That really stinks. The older I get, the less I tolerate. I would have asked the waiter to sit us elsewhere. Why should you suffer through?
Sorry , but I would get up and leave !!!! Did that on Saturday night just gone....If I dont get the service that I like then they dont get my money ..... Sorry if thats harsh and I have a child too , but some parents just dont care and I dont have to tolerate it either .....
another one of my favorite ones is sitting at the doctor's office where there are signs (everywhere!) to inform us that cell phones are not permitted, yet, there are always people who think rules are for everyone but them (and they're usually loud too)....lovely!
Catmehndi said:
another one of my favorite ones is sitting at the doctor's office where there are signs (everywhere!) to inform us that cell phones are not permitted, yet, there are always people who think rules are for everyone but them (and they're usually loud too)....lovely!

THIS! Irritates the FIRE out of me! lol

And the people that work there don't even tell people to get off their phones!
I sit quietly and obediently for 15 minutes past my appointment time. If I'm kept waiting longer than that, all bets are off - I'm a busy woman and don't have time to just sit around.

Sorry folks, but my life doesn't wait for a rude doctor who doesn't know how to manage her schedule.
carebear said:
I sit quietly and obediently for 15 minutes past my appointment time. If I'm kept waiting longer than that, all bets are off - I'm a busy woman and don't have time to just sit around.

Sorry folks, but my life doesn't wait for a rude doctor who doesn't know how to manage her schedule.

I always find it amazing that people think they have to wait. I used to go to a doctor that I'd end up having to wait sometimes an hour for. I got sick of it and let them know I was switching and why. It's a business just like any other business.
The place I switched to has been great with being on time. The longest I've had to wait with them was about 15 minutes. The doctor apologized, plus after 10 minutes had the nurse come out and tell me it would be a few more minutes.
Everywhere I've lived in New Zealand, Fiji and Australia, the doctors also work in hospitals and with ambulance crews. This means that they can be called away at short notice to help people who need emergency treatment. I think the job they do is amazing and I know that when my husband was dying, it was fantastic to know our doctor was able to be there for him when he was needed ... and there were a few times that he was.

As a result, the doctor who gets called away cannot see his patients and they will either be referred to the on call doctor or have their appointments delayed. The best approach to this is one of caring and support for everyone. We are encouraged to phone ahead and check if our doctors appointments are on time ... and this gives the admin staff a chance to let you now what the best time for you to report is. When possible the admin staff will phone patients to let them know that their doctor has been called away and give them the options that are available.

This does mean delays and it may upset some people, but with not enough resources available in this sector, this is the reality.
I couldn't count how many times I've had a nice dinner ruined because someone's kids at the table behind us are screaming their heads off. I don't have the guts to complain or get up and leave though... I just sit through it angry the whole time that I can't have a quiet dinner and conversation with my indoor voice. If I want to talk I'll have to rather loudly or lean over the table to hear and get heard.
Is it just me??? I would shut my kids up immediately, or take them to the bathroom or outside to have a talk. It seems no one does anything to try to quiet their kids.

And about the doctor offices, I've had a doctor that I litterally waited about an hour and a half for out in the lobby, then when I got called back I had to wait another hour and a half. I'm not joking. And I had to be scheduled for emergency surgery, but apparently to them I wasn't much of an emergency??? I went to that doctor one other time and it is the last time I hopefully will ever have to go to that doctor. Both times, I had to wait equally as long. And the waiting room is PACKED. They just want as much money as they can schedule for the day.
(For legal purposes, admin has removed this post containing dangerous, incorrect medical advice. Please refain from giving medical advice if you are not a doctor. Thank you, Admin.)
...the way i interpret those signs is, no one else wants to hear your loud phone conversation when we're all trapped in this small waiting room together, so stay off your phone.

i could be totally off on this! :p
When I am sitting in an expensive dimly lit restaurant with my husband I should not have to spend the next hour and a half trying to hear him over your screaming kids. Just saying...

Yeah! Us people with small children should just stay at home where we belong. :lol:
No Jen, most of us have kids and have been there , but some people take no responsibility what so ever with their kids.....I have no probs with kids being kids but when they start to scream and carry on , then its time the parents do something about it ......
I agree with you tasha!

We used our mobiles in several wards at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Adelaide. Intensive care was the only ward where mobiles were not allowed.

When I asked about the 'no mobile' rule, I was told it's to discourage people using mobiles in rooms that are shared by two or four people and causing distress to them, and that they won't affect the equipment.
JenniferSews said:
Chay said:
When I am sitting in an expensive dimly lit restaurant with my husband I should not have to spend the next hour and a half trying to hear him over your screaming kids. Just saying...

Yeah! Us people with small children should just stay at home where we belong. :lol:
No one said people with small children should stay home, there is no need for sarcasm. I was merely frustrated that so many parents do not teach their children what is and isn't appropriate behavior.
ANYONE - no matter their age - should stay home if they can't behave appropriately in public!

This includes screaming children, loud drunk guys, cackling hens at after work bars - cranky oldsters who can't chill out and have some fun...

If you are in this category - sadly...lol...you probably don't know/admit it!!!
I think it's pretty safe to say that common courtesy has gone the way of "self centeredness".... so sad...
Many people these days seem to think that whatever their kids do is ok. We got into it with neighbors after my husband asked some of the kids to pick up the juice boxes they had been throwing on the ground on our property line. (he likes kids and asked in a very nice way, as in, lets make a game out of this, he did not yell at them or tell them to do anything) the parents later came over screaming at us and told us that their kids can throw garbage wherever they want!!! :shock: Totally different situation from the restaurant but its all the same. Parents aren't like they used to be (in general). My parents would have never backed me up on something like that, my little butt would have been sent out to pick up every piece of garbage in the neighborhood. I also spent many nights out at the restaurant waiting in the car because I was being a brat and was taken out of the store for throwing a tantrum. I see parents out all the time with screaming kids and they just completely ignore it. I'm sure they're used to it, but what happened to taking a misbehaving kid out of public? Probably just upset all of the mothers here and no I don't have kids and seeing all of these misbehavers and knowing I would have to deal with their parents has really been discouraging to me. Of course kids will be kids but the do whatever you want with no consequences attitude isn't doing the kid, the parent or society any favors. The most well behaved, polite kids I've ever met are a group of home schooled kids whose parents are clients of mine. So, it can be done it just takes an enormous amount of work and it seems that most people would rather just let them do whatever. Self centered is right and the first generation that was raised this way is already out there in the work force and I hear employers complaining about them all the time.
carebear said:
Chay, I'm curious if you've raised kids.
I have 2 boys. My oldest son is shipping out for the Navy soon. He scored really high on his ASVAB test, high enough to qualify for SEAL training. While I am so very proud of him I am also terrified for him. I see many sleepless nights in my future. My little guy (I should say youngest since he is taller then me) will be starting high school this fall. He is very interested in all the products I make, he wants to help make them and loves using them. For the most part he gets in the way when I'm trying to work but I love that he shares my interest so we do some soap projects together.
When we go out, the question is no longer will they behave but whether or not I can afford to feed two teenage boys. lol
How about you Carebear, do you have kids?

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