Invest in a couple of funnel pitchers, a couple of stainless steel bowls of different sizes, and at least one 2bl loaf mold. The funnel molds are great for microwave melting and pouring. When doing a larger batch use the stainless over a pot of simmering water to melt the base. (this can be divided into funnel pichers) I have small glass mise en place bowls I use to mix the micas with alcohol for color, silicone spatulas. a scale, a silpat mat to cut up the base, and an infrared thermometer gun for checking temperatures.
The MP from Michael's is great for embeds. It has a higher melting point than quality bases so embeds are less likely to melt. I never use it for projects just embeds. Buy it with a coupon don't ever pay full price for that stuff.
To reduce sweat wrap your projects right away and store in a box away from light and heat. I use shrink wrap for the good ones and plastic wrap for the rejects the family uses.