After reading and reading, watching YouTube videos and reading all I could here I finally decided to make a batch of soap. We'll here they are, I hope they are not too bad.
I love working with my hands so I decided to pull away from my other hobbies and work on learning soap. I also make glass bead jewelry and glass plates and bowls, I have a woodworking shop where I make furniture and pens and pencils, I also work on computers and build websites for people, I just love learning new things when I have time, so I figured soap would be a fun one to learn. Plus it will make my wife happy since we buy all of our soaps from crafty people at shows and always seem to run out.
These bars are simple coconut, olive, and castor oils then at trace I threw in ground oatmeal and jasmine flowers and a little jasmine EO. Please let me know what you guys think, good or bad, lol.