Weekend Soap Pot 4/4 - 4/6

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Well, the weekend is here.

I am thinking about my mother's day packages for next month and getting my names together for it...hmmm what to make

I am also tinkering with my face lotion recipe..since my face decided to breakout and leave some blemishes :roll:

I would like to create a face line...
with a facial scrub, a cleanser, a moisturizer, and toner.

the cleanser would be good for a cream soap...that i been wanting to learn how to make

and the facial scrub would be good with apricot kernel scrub or jojoba beads in it..

the toner can be a hydosol

and the moisturizer can be this lotion that I am making...

just a thought.

The lotion i just made is good, close..but not perfect yet..


what are you all doing this weekend?
It's funny that you mention Mother's Day! In my weekend soap pot, I'll be making a batch for my mother-in-law, with the opportunity to test out some decorative soap molds that I picked up.

This will be a one-pound batch consisting of 75% lard and 25% coconut oil, scented with lavender EO and dyed purple with FD&C colorants at trace. Olive oil and shea butter will be added as superfats to make the bars nice and creamy.

She lives in Houston, where the climate is far more humid than it is here in Colorado. Will this increase the likelihood of her bars going DOS? If so, I'll probably add a few drops of rosemary EO to the batch.

--Metal Substance
Wow, I can finally participate in this. I just started making my batches this week and did batch number 4, tonight (I'm on vacation). Anyway, my weekend soap pot will contain the ingredients for a moisturizing soap for my daughter and some other practice batches. My family are my testers. Tonight, I made an acne soap for my grandson. It seized badly, but I was able to save it. Can't figure out what happened. The new thing that I added was steric acid. As soon as I poured the lye water in the oils and tried to stir with the whisk (which is what I do before SB), I knew something was wrong as it was really heavy to stir. I didn't panic. I took the pot over to the stove and turned on the double boiler, on high and put the pot over the heat. It worked!!! It remained really thick, but it never got to "glop", which was where it was headed. It remained more like applesauce. It gave me the time I needed to separate out two bowls and stir in the swirling colors. I was then able to put in my fragrance, stir and pour in the mold. From that point I was able to swirl. Not sure how this is going to turn out, as it didn't gel. It cooled down instead of heated up.I hope everything mixed in okay. We shall see. Have fun with your weekend soaping.
I have three castile recipes to make this weekend. (100% Olive)

Restocking. If I had more time I would experiment with a few new recipes I have in the hopper. I wish I didn't require sleep. :)
I am gonna give layering another shot....this time pour second layer hotter and let it COOL COMPLETELY before cutting and pray they stick together....maybe try lemon and peppermint EO.
Not much since I have lot's of personal stuff

I'm making some round soaps in the pvc

I'm trying to figure out how to keep my balms with lanolin from smelling like a barn...I plan on making a batch and then separating before scenting so I can figure what works...

I've given up for now on the cream soap, I'm going to wait until after the conference since there is going to be a creamsoap workshop there, maybe they can finally help me get the potash/lye ratio right for the consistency I want.
I only made peppermint and tea tree soap. Not sure what i'll make this weekend.
I made soap... in my MIND :shock: :lol: :lol: I have so much research I ve compiled from these weeks I havent really been able to make soaps, I mean I have oils but I want to try something different and I dont want to just make an unscented batch...Ive really got no EO's that would be enough to even carry through the soap...Ive got like .05 oz bottles lol maybe 2 or 3...

so its imaginary soaps... :) at least until I get a few checks under my belt to save up for a new apartment...sooooon enough
I'm back in the saddle baby! :D :D :lol: :lol:

After taking the last two months off to have a baby and deal with all the fun that comes with that, I've gotten back into the groove again! I'm so excited to be creating again! I made herbal deodorant two days ago (awesome stuff and it really works!) and last night I made my favorite Minty Fresh Wake Up soap, which is spearmint and peppermint eos. But I might have to change the name to DoubleMint soap or something because this time I split the batch, colored half green (spearmint eo) and half blue (peppermint) so it's kinda swirl-y, well as swirl-y as you can get with hot process soap! Hopefully it'll look neat after I cut it tonight.

Today I'm headed over to the in-laws to try to milk a beef cow for some cow's milk soap...should be an adventure! And then I'm hoping to whip up a lotion...but we'll see!

My DH is still b&*#%ing that the taxes aren't done, so I guess I have to pencil that in some time too!

Oh, and I have to take care of my three kids, do mountains of laundry, change diapers and make meals too! haha :roll:

Have a great weekend!
Last night I made a carrot and buttermilk facial soap and today I am restocking castiles. FEELS GOOD! I haven't been able to soap for a few weeks and I was having withdrawals!
carrot and buttermilk facial soap
This sounds delightful!

I am making lip balms & deodorants.

I should make a dozen M&P soap loaves but I *hate* to make M&P! I am flat out & customers have been asking for it. Did I mention I *hate* to make M&P :? ?

Holly whipped shea butter batman! I had forgotten about Mother's day!
Thanks paul! your the best :)

Im going to mark it on my calendar right now!..I knew it was coming , just didnt know the right date!

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