Water and lye

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Jamie Bell

Apr 30, 2018
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I mixed up my lye and water and once it was 100°F. I went to add it to my oils I then noticed a sheet of what I'm assuming was a sheet of lye. Why would this happen. My best guess is I didn't mix them enough but I want to know for sure so if anyone knows why I would vreatly apprecita your help. My mesaurments are down below.
10.3oz water
6.41oz lye
How long did you leave it? Did you just leave it totally alone, or cool it in cold water/an ice bath?

The lye will react with the air to produce things like sodium carbonate, even on the top of an open lye container. It could have been that
As TEG stated it was likely sodium carbonate. Mine always does that when I make several batches of lye (if I haven't masterbatched it). I will make 6 at a time otherwise and just lay a paper towel over the top but still get the hardish layer. I just strain it. It's never caused any problems.
How thick and how hard? The only time this ever happened to me, the sheet was not on top but on the bottom. It was because I had not dissolved my sugar properly before adding the lye. After lye is added there's no hope of further dissolving the sugar. It has to be strained. But perhaps you don't dissolve sugar in your water.
How thick and how hard? The only time this ever happened to me, the sheet was not on top but on the bottom. It was because I had not dissolved my sugar properly before adding the lye. After lye is added there's no hope of further dissolving the sugar. It has to be strained. But perhaps you don't dissolve sugar in your water.

It was on top as they went to pour. Un-dissolved sugar would be on the bottom. I've had that happen too.
I do the same as Shari above, if I do not have masterbatch at the time, and make up a pitches of lye solution. I always get some sodium carbonate floating on top or a complete layer of it. I either stir it in, if it is just a little, or strain it if it is a full layer.
It was not on top it was in the bottom of that container it was thinner than paper and I sat it outside to cool so no ice bath or anything like that

What is master batching

It was on top as they went to pour. Un-dissolved sugar would be on the bottom. I've had that happen too.
No it was on bottom and i habe not heard of adding sugar to the water I'm still really new to soap
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Possibly you hadn't stirred it in fully to begin with? If you just dump the lye into the water and don't fully stir it in until dissolved, you'll get undissolved lye that sits flat on the bottom of a container. You should be able to carefully break it up and get it to dissolve.
No it was on bottom and i habe not heard of adding sugar to the water I'm still really new to soap
I tried to disove it wouldnt so I disposed of it and started over but thx

I did not know you could do an ice bath I thought it had to gradiullay cool is it as simple as sticking it in an ice bath or do I habe to watch for anything
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You have to stir all the lye into the water until it dissolves.
Then stir every so often until it is cool.
Once it is dissolved you can put it in a sink with water to cool it. Be careful your lye jug doesn’t fall over.

By the way soap on a stick is when your batter saponifies so quickly that it hardens around your spoon as you stir it.