Well-Known Member
Thanks!! You are the fountain of all knowledge!!
Unfortunately I've not had chance to make it yet but I'm hoping so as that's my main reason for formulating it. Studying for an exam right now so having to put off trying it for now.
Would there be a benefit to super fatting? I mean I want the bar to be hard and long lasting, not soft, wouldn't SF make it softer?
I'm SF as I've discovered CO is quite drying on my skin. Think I read somewhere on here that it shouldn't effect the softness of the bar unless the SF is much higher so hoping my 8% won't produce a soft bar
#2 is exactly the same I make and we my family loves that, so do I.
Thank you! I think I will make both #2 & #4 and see which I like better. Thank you for the input!
When are you attempting these? I'm going to attempt #4 but with my 8% SF on Monday.
If you do yours first report back how it went ie how fast it traced, temp you soaped at etc. I know our colours and fragrances will different but interested to see how it goes
I don't have the lard yet and I've got things going on tomorrow night and Friday night so at the earliest maybe this weekend.
I changed my #4 recipe (yours too) to the 8% SF and discounted the water to 36%. I will report back if I get to make it this weekend.