Victorian Violets

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Love it Lyn, is it a strong one ? because violets can be a weak smell.
I love your soaps, Lynn. You have such a good feel for color combos and proportion. I was looking at your website (or facebook page, I can't remember) and I tried to copy one of your soaps. It is SO BAD it's ridiculous- I should post a picture because you'd laugh your a** off. It certainly made me appreciate what you do and how easy you make it look!
Gorgeous! I just did a similar color combo last weekend and it came out nowhere near the beauty of yours!!!!
Thanks all, Relle this is a nice fragrance it is not in your face strong but not weak as some florals tend to be after washing you can smell it on your hands still. I have yet to take it to the shower. Newbie I am sure your soap looks fine I think we all think ours is worse for wear than others if you want help on the soap let me know maybe I can give you a few pointers:)
Well, that's nice of you to say, but it is really awful. I think that's what you get sometimes when you are trying to copy and not doing your own thing. I'll post a pic, so you can laugh.
Okay, guess whose is whose. And if ANYONE tells me my soap looks good, I mean seriously, you have to be lying.

Everyone has a bust now and then.

And I'm ever and always up for pointers, Lynn!


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What colourants did you use??? get them right and your halfway there, bevel your bars and use a tspoon to sculpt the top can you see the effect of dipping the tip of the spoon in and scooping? You also need to make sure the soap is set up enough to do this. The colourant I used was from an aussie supplier so cannot help with the sourcing of an orange sorry :( . Honestly just keep at it you will find what makes you happy :0). I might do a vid in a few weeks time I have done one basic one on sculpting the tops of soap but might be fun to make a making soap video too will keep you posted. I am on a stint of nights now so need time to recover
What beautiful soap you make Lynn! I just went to your facebook page. Incredibloe. I,m very new to this soap making business tho I have read and read. Can you tell me what supplier you use in Oz. I live in the country and find it hard to find stuff. Thanks for any info.
THanks, Lynn. I know I never have the soap set up just right to make the tops. It is either too thin or it seems like it's grainy/applesaucy and doesn't look nice and smooth like yours. I use micas (TKB or COnservatorie) for the colorants but yes, I totally botched this one. I have gotten nice colors before but this just stunk. Also, I used a cardboard box to get the upright shape and set it out in the cold so it wouldn't gel and the dog knocked it over before it had fully set, so it was all dented and squashy. The whole thing was a bust, except the lather on this bar is really good!
Newbie, I'm still working on doing the nice swirls too. There are a some videos on youtube you can watch that focus on some techniques. They have helped me to get my tops a little nicer. But will still take a lot more practice.
LOL Newbie your too funny well I am glad that the soap lathers well and bet it smells good and that is what counts at the end of the day!!!! Hey KarenBeth welcome to the forum...............Check out the Brites colourant selection at Aussie Soap Supplies it is awesome colourant and I was scared that the Orange Sanguino soap I did would give orange suds as very bright but it didn't :0)

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