Using oat milk and forgetting to add it till after trace 😖

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Jul 8, 2024
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So, today I made my 4th batch ever of soap; and thought I'd try something new; soaping at a cooler (room) temperature and adding oat milk to the recipe.
I followed a recipe* I found online and dutifully split the liquid weight between the oat milk and infused (chamomile) water. But, in my enthusiasm, I forgot to add the milk at emulsion and only remembered to add it after trace. Blending the batter at this point (it needed more blending than I would have liked) resulted in a thick gloopy batter I had to virtually press into the moulds.
Here's my question: does adding liquid after reaching trace affect the ability of the soap to go through saponification properly?
Will the oat milk be properly amalgamated into the batter?

* I used 85% olive (pomace) oil, 10% Shea butter and 5% castor oil. 33% lye concentration, 6% superfat.

Any advice would be most welcome.
@Janiewoo , I'm pretty new to CP soap, too. Because I forgot the fragrance in my first 3 batches -- tried to stir it in to the mold and remaining unpoured batter upon remembering--- I have made myself a checklist that includes each step.

I keep my checklist next to me and check off each step as I go. One of the steps is to pin post-it notes on the cupboards doors above where I'm working to remind me of what I'm going to do.

I can still get on auto pilot and leave something out-- like an exfoliant I will put into only one of the colors -- even though it's premeasured and sitting in line on the counter in the order it will be used....

So, you're not alone!! Sounds like @AliOop thought it would be fine. Let us know how your soap turns out!
Adding more liquid after trace shouldn't affect the final result, as long as you mixed it in thoroughly - which it sounds like you did. :)

How did it turn out?
Hi, and thanks for asking.
They don't look very pretty (you can see how much I struggled to get the batter into the moulds} but they seem to be curing properly.
I only made a small batch, enough for 6 bars, (the tiny flower was an unexpected bonus, probably due to the air pockets in the other 6 bars) but I am really happy with the result.
I didn't scent them as I wanted a very gentle soap, but they smell wonderful, just as unscented soap should.


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@akseattle thank you for the encouraging words.
I think the post-it note a brilliant idea, they can be moved after each step. I'm going to give this a try.
I made some little posters on my cupboards, but I forget to look at them 😖


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Honestly, those look great. I love an unscented white or cream-colored soap bar!
@Janiewoo I agree with @AliOop , your bars look great!!
and, yeah, the idea of the post it notes is to move the post it note once the step is done, but i STILL sometimes forget something!
Anyway, glad your soap worked out!
Hi, and thanks for asking.
They don't look very pretty (you can see how much I struggled to get the batter into the moulds} but they seem to be curing properly.
I only made a small batch, enough for 6 bars, (the tiny flower was an unexpected bonus, probably due to the air pockets in the other 6 bars) but I am really happy with the result.
I didn't scent them as I wanted a very gentle soap, but they smell wonderful, just as unscented soap should.
Your soap looks so creamy and lovely!
My soap recipe is the same for almost every single batch I make (except for special additives like beer or pureed pumpkin...etc.) I still write it up in my notebook beforehand. I check everything off my list as I weigh, measure, add...etc. This way I know I didn't miss anything.