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Well-Known Member
Oct 12, 2010
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Hey! It's been a while since I've made picture updates so here I go :)

This is the packaging I'm working on; these are half-size hand soap bars shipped to my friend in Belgium:

The larger bar will have all this information as well:

This is my baby, my favorite, my love! "Sweet Butt Booty Buster Bar":

Smells like a edible baby :) Baby powder, banana, stuffed with oats and a small amount of beach sand.

And this one is one I just made today I'm going to be testing in the next coupla months. I wanted it to be a shampoo, but as I was making it and even now looking at it, I feel like it's screaming at me "I'm a face soap!" I dunno... I'm not going to take it's word for it... I'll just use it all over! :D Little nervous, this one doesn't have any cocoa butter which I adore in my current base recipe. It has a LOT of coconut cream and honey (I mean a LOT. more than a tablespoon per pound of oil ;D) and oats that I ground up in a food processor until it was a fine powder. (In the future I'll prolly use hydrolyzed) All three added AFTER the cook. Oils are olive and coconut. (Here it is: ;D)
I like your packaging idea. I also like that you donate a portion of your sales. When and if I ever get ready to sell, I plan to do the same.
I like the natural & black look.
Love all your planning..... looks like its coming together.
Your natural packaging appeals to me!

Your 'Sweet Butt Booty Buster Bar' aroma sounds great ... wish I could smell it!
Love your packaging it is very original and so down to earth I also like the natural look of your soaps