Unmolded first batch. Would love input.

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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2014
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Alright Unmolded it, and clearly there are 'some problems' I dont think any are major, but I would love to hear some input, as I said I got to a fairly heavy trace before I poured, as soon as it was poured, I Insulated it, put a cardboard top on the mold, covered THAT, put it in a airtight box surrounded on all sides by towels, wrapped THAT in a blanket. But I still dont think I hit full Gel, I am also concerned about the ash, and the crack on the top? I will cut it in about 12 hours or so and post pictures, Its still a bit soft to cut imho.

It was wrapped and undisturbed for 21 hours or so.

I tried to get good shots but...you know. Cell phone camera.
The Smell is GREAT and the color isnt bad either. (Both 'gel' and 'not gel' color are nice)

The mold is oven friendly I am told, so if you think I should put it in the oven for a bit, I can but I dont know if that would help it at this point.



Yes, that is partial gel. I don't think you can put it into the oven now and fix it. But don't worry, the soap is safe, just cure as usual. If this bothers you too much, put it straight into the oven for CPOP as soon as you pour it.

Did you zap test it? You need to zap test or something to be sure it is skin safe.

You should have cut it when you unmolded it. Don't wait, it gets brittle. You want to cut as soon as you can handle it enough to unmold it without leaving finger dents.

You can fix cracks while the soap is still liquid/soft by simply pinching it with your(gloved) fingers, and smoothing the top with a finger.

I don't really see any ash yet, but that just might be my eyes. But it is not a safety issue, just aesthetics. You can cut the ash off. You can(I think) spray the top with alcohol before allowing it to start curing. I don't have hard water, so I have yet to see ash.
Congratulations on your first batch! It looks lovely. And yes, it seems like you got a partial gel. At this point, no, you cannot put it in the oven to finish gelling, but you say your mold is oven safe, so next time, try this. Turn your oven on to it's lowest setting, and put the mold in there while you soap. As soon as you're ready to pour, remove the mold, pour the batter, then put the mold back in the oven and turn it off. Leave the oven door closed to keep the heat in. This is the method I use to get complete gel every time.

As Susie suggested, you can spray with alcohol after you pour it, to prevent ash. You need to use 91% alcohol, and try to get a sprayer that sprays a fine mist, not droplets. Just spray the top evenly and this should prevent most ash. Enjoy your soap!
Careful when cpop-ing with a silicone. Prone to bubbles if you dont watch it closely. Lucky it didnt happen to you this time.

Yes to what Susie said.

I dont really care about cracks anymore, since i usually have peak tops. Once cut, they're no longer that noticeable. Cracks are caused by overheating.
Don't judge until you cut it. I've had batches that look like partial gel when unmolded - then I've cut them and the bars are fine. I can't imagine you didn't hit full gel with all that insulation and the fact that it overheated a little (that's your crack). The color is beautiful.
I agree that you most likely have full gel due to the crack. Just wait till you cut it and you'll certainly find out. You should have gotten gel with all that insulaton I would think anyway. Congratulations on your fist batch. It's a pretty color.
Zap Test Completed. Tastes like soap.
Minty soap. :D

I even made sure to take a 'fresh' part. not a 'outside' part.

I took some pitures. It seems to have gelled all the way through /i/ dont notice a discoloration on the inside, maybe you will.

My only concern is that they dont look 'nice and neat' there is the white residue (I used bottled water so not hard water) and how do you all make them look so neat (My cutting skill needs work but im getting a bar cutter soon this was done kitchen knife. Cut easy)

In order:
First Pic: The white stuff I speak of that makes the bar a little ugly.
Second Pic: 3 bars, left to right: Bottom, Side, Top
Third Pic: Visable center of all bars, seeming (to me) uniform in color.

I have to say I didnt think I would like the color but....:D



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Careful when cpop-ing with a silicone. Prone to bubbles if you dont watch it closely. Lucky it didnt happen to you this time.

Yes to what Susie said.

I dont really care about cracks anymore, since i usually have peak tops. Once cut, they're no longer that noticeable. Cracks are caused by overheating.

CPOP with silicone?
What bubbles do you speak of? This is the first I have heard of it, I poured into room tempature silicone mold from ED.
Peak top? :D
CPOP=cold process, oven process. You make cold process soap, then stick it into a 170F degree(ish) oven for an hour to ensure full gel. Or you can turn the oven off like navigator9 said.

Silicone molds have become somewhat known for making bubbles on the outside of the soap when you use the CPOP technique. Know this before you try it.

The soap looks gorgeous. Full gel all the way through.
Thank you. I was nervious as hell making a 'full batch' (Well not FULL full a 'full' would be about 4 pounds of oils, this was 3.) The last little bit I had to rush so I was worried. I learned a lot, but I think the color came out nice, the scent is great, the PH is already at 8 (tested a peice of the 'end' that I cut for zap test) its gunna be good soap I think.

Just gotta make it look pretty and watch temp more in the future.

The compliments (if genuine) and the assistance offered on how to improve means the world to me. Soap making seems to be a community and family more than a 'competative biz' (as I was telling my bro last night) and the only way I (and most) will improve is with honest feedback, even if its not what we 'want to hear'. So thank you all for the encouragement, help and kind words :)
Thats a pretty soap! And I adore that green color.
I've stopped worrying about ash. I either consider it proof of how rustic and hand made it is, or I wash it off using a bath scrubby while wearing gloves. Mind you I only make 2 lbs/ 7 bars at a time so thats easy for me to say.
Beautiful soaps! I love that color. Before it was cut, I thought it was a partial gel, but the bars don't look like it at all. Great job!!
CPOP with silicone?
What bubbles do you speak of? This is the first I have heard of it, I poured into room tempature silicone mold from ED.
Peak top? :D

sorry, i thought you did a cpop :D

cpop is what Susie explained to you. usually it's done to ensure full gel by enforcing external heat to the soap.

if your mold is wood, it's fine for cpop, just watch out for glued parts (a no no). if silicone, again, what i said before.. gotta watch it like a hawk as sometimes the soap decides to be naughty and it's rising out of the mold. the top of the soap is then ruined forever, ugly and all. ask me how i know.

peak top is when you play a bit with the top of the soap, often by a spoon, or other weapon of choice. yours is a smooth top btw.

congrats on your first batch :) like others, i initially thought it's gonna have a partial, but hey.. soap gremlins decided to leave you alone this time, lol
It looks great, the color is very nice. The white is ash, doesn't have anything to do with the water you used. You can use steam to wash it away or dip the top of the soap in hot water. Personally, I just ignore the ash, its part of handmade soap.

If you look close at these soaps, you can see little pits and spots all over the surface, thats from bubbles made from CPOP in silicone.

This is slightly peaked, some people make them more pointy on top, like a mountain but I find bars like that are uncomfortable to hold & use.

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