UH-OH, my lavender soap turned grey.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2009
Reaction score
Alberta, Canada
Arghhhh, I made Lavender hot process soap and it smelled lovely and had a nice mauve colour, I go to work for two weeks and look in the Linen closet when I get back and see that I have grey soap. Ugly light grey soap. What gives, I thought with hot process all the suprises were taken out of the equation, boy was I wrong.

So, so far I have chocolate brown Vanilla milk bars, grey lavender bars, and vanilla strawberry kiwi bars, yes, I now know those scents don't mix, and I ain't finished yet.

On a good note my eo's and fo's arrived today and I can now make some real frankenstein experiments, I have already set off my wifes allergies with my 1 KG of lavender petals, bwahahahahaha.
But seriously, what gives with my grey soap???

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