ugly swirling after major seizing (pics)

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Elly -

I'm sorry you had problems. I'd still like to see pics of how it turned out. I'm sure it will be very pretty. I hope to try a funnel swirl over the Christmas weekend.
Here is a face only a mother could love...... the swirling colors are so dull and the base soap looks dark, All of my GM soaps are usually off white ivory but this one I don't know what happened? It has GM, OO, CB, CO, AO & castor, also added aotmeal 3tbs and lavender/spearmint EO. What to do with it now? If I remelt it with all the colours in it is going to turn grey for sure. Unfortunately I don't have TD to make it better. Anyway I will try to keep away from swirling altogether don't know how to use the colors really well.
Judymoody thanks for the info, I have seen those tutorials on youtube but believe me they look easy when you see them being done but when it comes to doing it yourself it becomes a huge mess, I suppose it all takes practice. By the way I tried dissolving the ultramines in water and the dye just floated on top, maybe I am using the wrong kind, I bought them long ago don't know their properties, I remember dissolving them in the emulsified soap but somehow my soaps seem to be tracing very quickly lately, it might be the GM. Hope your swirling came out ok
Hazel I just read your post, well here you see my efforts have not been properly rewarded well I need to read a bit more on coloring soaps

:( :?
Elly said:
You guys are so encouraging thank you. Hazel I managed to mess up a plain no additive old soap by forgetting the SF oils which I was supposed to add at trace, soap went into mold when cleaning up I noticed the extra oil I put aside for trace time ... then it had to become a HP soap the next day turning from a beautiful off white smooth soap to a darker not so smooth one because of the HP. I don't really know about the funnel swirl where can I get some info? It would be good to learn an easier more manageable way of swirling, so far it has been pretty challenging, particularly because of the accelerated tracing I've been experiencing lately, don't know what I am doing wrong because my soaps are tracing so fast, it could be that I am discounting too much liquid (at 30%), I mix my soap at very low temp (lukewarm) don't measure it.
For CP soap, there is no need to add any oils at trace. Raw soap at trace is still quite active and the lye will take whatever it wants. So add all your oils and butters up front and make it easier on yourself.

The exception is if you hot process the soap and add your superfat oil after the cook.
thanks soapbuddy, it actually makes a lot of sense lye will use what it needs to complete saponification and nothing more I must try to remember my chemistry
Elly said:
thanks soapbuddy, it actually makes a lot of sense lye will use what it needs to complete saponification and nothing more I must try to remember my chemistry
You're welcome. I find it makes it easier not to forget any oils or butters.

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