Ugh soap gremlins

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2008
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Stuck in my head
i really think I give up on rainbow soaps. EVERY time I try it acts up somehow. Today, using the same exact method I’ve done in the past with other soaps, same scent that I KNOW is well behaved, and I get a muddled mess of a soap that I tried to “pretty” up with a ton of glitter, will probably all be for naught anyway. Have a feeling this one is going to separate and need rebatched. We’ll see I guess...

I hope it doesn't separate and stuff coz I like it.... Reminds me of those unicorn stuff everyone seems to be making, but darker haha, which is more me than the usual pastels.

*Fingers crossed while patiently waiting for cut pics*
I hope it doesn't separate and stuff coz I like it.... Reminds me of those unicorn stuff everyone seems to be making, but darker haha, which is more me than the usual pastels.

*Fingers crossed while patiently waiting for cut pics*
Thanks Dawni. It was supposed to be white base with subtle rainbow swirls throughout, but it thickened up so much the ITP swirl I wanted sat on top, then I had to swirl with my spatula while trying not to muddle it. Well, this is what happened and it's awful. LOL (at least compared to what I wanted)
Thanks Dawni. It was supposed to be white base with subtle rainbow swirls throughout, but it thickened up so much the ITP swirl I wanted sat on top, then I had to swirl with my spatula while trying not to muddle it. Well, this is what happened and it's awful. LOL (at least compared to what I wanted)
Awww.. Hate it when that happens, but we'll see. I have a feeling it won't be as bad as you're anticipating, even if it won't be what you wanted ;)
love the colors--keeping my fingers crossed for ya. weird that you have used everything already and this didn't happen...…………...oh wait it is soap after all. cant wait to see the cut--I would be willing to bet its going to look good
glad you had one that turned out the way you wanted but still wanna see the pic of the one that didn't :) not to make fun--just cuz I think it wont be as bad as you think
Is there any pencil line that may cause the batch to separate? Looks nice.
No, separate as in oils/lye separating needing to be rebatched.

It was just acting really wonky, and as long as I've been making soap I can just tell when something is not going right.
This is one of those batches. It *might* hold together (although I'll be surprised if it does)
I'm letting it go through it's thing and will see when trying to cut it if it's salvageable or if I have to rebatch.
So, is that your Tues or Wed or my Tues or Wed. I'm a day ahead :p:D.
LOL that is funny :)

You know, I had a soap that had the SAME SCENT, but the color I goofed on. Forgot to add but had already poured it. Scraped it out and smashed some color in but it was not the same as the other batch.
I just changed the name. Funny, the changed name sold better then the original name :smallshrug:
Y'all want to hear something funny? This "ruined" batch actually looks better (swirl wise) than the "perfect" one. LOL

Soap - what an adventure!

It's still super soft and a bit 'oily' so I'm gonna let it sit another day before taking pics, but I promise I'll post both cut batches and let y'all decide which one you like better.

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