I soaped with Edward's Temptation last week at .6 PPO, and the scent has faded a lot. Still there, but very light. Might want to up it to 1 oz. PPO. My red streak (Santa red, supposedly--blood...muahahaha) turned purple. I have a red oxide coming soon; gonna try that to see if I can get a true red blood streak. I did a black swirl in TD base, with the red running through it. TD always gives me tiny pinpoint sized white specks that smear through the other colors when I cut no matter how much I mix it initially. Is there any other white out there besides TD powder? My niece (Twilight fanatic) suggested mixed earth tones with a bright purple streak for Bella, since she's not exactly a feminine "pink" kind of gal! Evidently, Jacob's fur is reddish brown. Oh, brother.....