Tussah silk

Soapmaking Forum

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I got mine on Amazon.

Shepherd Textiles Tussah Silk... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08RRFLY93?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share

It has lasted forever!! I don’t really measure it. I just cut about a dime size amount and add it to the lye. My soap batches are about 55 oz. If you cut too much I have found it doesn’t want to dissolve as well. I add it right before I stir the lye and water, because the heat dissolves it well. I definitely don’t want strings in the soap. Customers won’t know what that is, so I cut it up really small. That one container has lasted me a really long time.
Thanks for the link. I've been considering adding it for a long time but I guess there was some controversy about whether they have to kill the silk worm to get the silk, or whether the silk worm has already hatched and left.
Good to know. Once I establish a better recepi I would like to try. It’s nice being the creator for once. I’ve switched out most all of my products to more healthier options. It’s very free-ing to say the least!
I bought 2 packages from BB and barely used any out of one package. If you want to try some I will gladly send you some, maybe half a package, to experiment with ~ no charge, and I will even pay the shipping. I bought it a couple of years ago and haven't touched it since. I get plenty of slip from the olive oil and avocado oil in my recipes plus I work with frozen liquids to make my lye solution and the fibers don't really dissolve thoroughly and get clumped up in my stick blender.
You can message me if you're interested 😄