trying to come up with a creative name

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Thanks for all the suggetstions guys. You've all been a BIG help. I am working on something right now, just in the middle of checking to make sure it's not already taken. Will keep you posted :D
simply pink
think pink

were my 1st gut reactions.

The pink sink?
Okay I think I have it. I've been thinking about this for some time now and the name I've come up with is JOA. It is pronounce the way it is spelled. It is Korean for 'good'. The word for wholesome didn't work and was quite a stretch. Any thoughts?
Are you Korean or do you plan to use Korean packaging for your product line?
No I'm not Korean. I have a friend who's been over teaching english and helped me come up with the name. I like the word. I desgined a logo around it and it looks sophisticated. I'll try to post a pic soon. So what do the rest of you think.
This is just something I've been working on. I'm going to try and get it cleaned up a little.
Will your line be kinda zen or spa like? The logo & name do give me a high end, zen or spa feel. As long as you can carry that them through w/ your packaging & fragraces I say go for it.

I think fragrances like butter cookie or peaches & cream would look odd with that name or label but other fragrances like waterlily or cucumber & green tea would realy be a good fit.
That's what I was thinking, but I don't want to limit myself and I don't want to scare off potential customers. I really like botanicals, which is why I went this way.
Me and my husband sat down and we though about it. I wanted it to be something about my favorite place, the south. I wanted it to mean natural and primitive and well...southern. We came up with Natural Southern Soaps and those type of things then Southern Essence just popped up and I liked it. Southern Essence Handcrafted Soaps & Gifts!

Think about what you love and what you believe in and the name will just come to you.
Great White North Soaps.

Goes well with botanicals, sounds "natural" and you can easily develop themed names for your products if you want.

Unless it is taken, that is. I haven't checked.
Branding is Important. I once named a company Crystal Clear Concepts (a filter manufacturing company the water it produced was clear as crystal) another company I called West Virginia Water refining. One was named Earth Ground Corp. (EGG). Other Capitol Business Systems. My current is Capitol Copiers Inc.

The name should cause customers to associate you with your product or vise versa and stir with in you a desire to achieve the initial goal set out to reach. It may be more important for the name to motivate you than the customer at times. If you can find a name that will associate you with your product to the customer and instantly cause a desire in you to succeed, then you have certainly accomplished a great task. I have a soap that has nine oils in it so I call it nine oils. Find something about yourself or your product you really like and start there. Listen to what people say about your soap. Also look around the grocery store at what other companies call themselves and what market they target.

Is your soap all Natural? Is it specialized? Is it medicated, Is it for sensitive skin? Perhaps all of the above.
Wish I could help more. Perhaps something in French from the north.

Magnifique peau (Beautiful Skin)
Peau Sensation doux (Skin Feeling soft)

P.S. Im not French as you can tell, Just an Idea

what about something like "Simply Wholesome" or "Back to Basic"...something like that....
Joa. :) There is a place where I lived called Joa. It is quite rural, and is renowned for having the best strawberry growers in the country.
See, now... I just love strawberries. I am going to stick with the name. I am trying to come up with a strawberry-something-or-other soap recipe for the late spring early summer. Just in time for strawberry season. Thanks for the info Zen
Ha, that is so cool! Noone is going to get that connection except for me.

Send me a link to your website / online store when it is done.
I like it. Simple, clean-looking. Nobody will be able to pronounce it though, and may wonder what it stands for. But hey! they can learn.

'Palmolive' got to be a popular name long ago, didn't it? and I had heard it for years without ever getting that it stood for palm and olive oils.

What about "Jergens" - what does that mean? (although it does sound like an American or European last name).

or the car: 'Kia'.....

I say go for it. Leave lots of empty space around like you did. Very stunning.

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