M&P without propylene glycol!
Just an update regarding M&P. I took one of my translucent bars which contained some soy wax and melted it down and remolded it. Success! I feel that the transparent bars would probably melt smoother, better as they do not contain as much soywax or none at all. Regardless, the melting of this bar was nearly effortless. I have never worked with commercial M&P, but you have to work a little quicker with this soap. The soy wax content helps it harden quicker. Also, I imagine that the propylene glycol in commercial soap bases help it to remain smooth and viscous longer. I'll do some tests later.
I made the mistake of keeping it in the microwave a little too long and it boiled up a little and added air. I should have melted with 10-15 sec bursts in the microwave. Melted quickly. I also added about a tablespoon of distilled water to the cut-up pieces. I saw no evidence of air within the bar, but the poured surface had plenty.
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I took some of the 'foam' that is created during the making of the transparent soap and formed it into an oval mold. I recently melted that bar down to create a rectangle form. Again, showing that the transparent recipe is also 'melt & pourable!' The remolded soap looks better, added apple fragrance and smells great! The soap created by the foam is softer, so not anticipating that the bar will harden much more, if at all over time. The glycerine will likely keep it malleable, but workable. This 'foam' is from my earlier transparent soap tests, so contains a good deal of soy wax.
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