Tooty Frooty/Fruity Recipe Needed

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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2009
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ok, I seen this soap and I love it ..... I want to know the recipe.... I know it's rainbow colored in layers.
Does anyone know how I can get the recipe for this soap???
If you do please let me know.
Can you post the link so we can see the pic?
I have made soap like you suggested, here is how I did it.
I used an ordinary log mould. And I suggest doing each layer in separate batches so that you can get a straight line. Other wise the colours may go into each other depending on how thick you pour the soap.
So, just make a batch 1/4 of your normal size (if you want to have four different colours), pour that soap, let it set, do your next batch, pour and let it set, and so on and so on.
I would definitely recommend doing it in stages over a couple of days so that you get that nice crisp line. Also, you may have to spray the top of each layer with some alcohol immediately before pouring the next layer so that they adhere to each other. Another hint there is to have the mould warming in the oven as you are preparing the next layer, the soap seems to meld better when it is warmed a little.
So really you just need to chose your fragrance, something like monkey farts would be good, then your colours: yellow, red, blue, green, or whatever you want.
Please please post pics when you're done!
Hope I've helped some.
So you can layer with seperate batches? The layers don't come apart since they tend to set up in less than 30 minutes or so? and we are talking about CP? That really gets my gears going lol

It's Nature's Garden - NG Fruity Loops is what they call it. Froot Loops is one of my top sellers!
ok, these came threw a yahoo group I belong to and the woman didn't know where she got them from but these are pictures of the soap I'm talking about..... I would love the recipe to make multi colors like this....


I would say their isn't really a recipe for that. Just make a batch and divide it up and color it differently then pour into the desired pattern.

I think that would involve to much clean up for me :lol:
lavender.dreams.candles said:
Lil Outlaw,
Do you make it multi colored?

I don't - typically my client base (organic, crunchy, cloth diapering, hippie type attachment parenting moms) prefers them with natural coloring. I'm only just now experimenting with artificial colors. Wish I could be more help!

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