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Jun 23, 2024
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Hi Friends!

I hope you’re all doing well!!

I recently remade an emulsified body butter I have made in the past, but this time I wanted my fragrance oil to have a stronger smell, so I added a bit more (within the IFRA requirements).

I decreased the liquid oils in my formula for the amount of FO I was adding, but my FO is leaking out of the butter. It almost looks like it’s sweating. The bb is very thick and it looks like I brushed my container with oil before piping in the body butter.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Did I not decrease enough of the liquid oil? I really didn’t add too much FO on terms of percentage, I added a total of 2.5% of my entire formula. Thank you all!!!
Hi Friends!

I hope you’re all doing well!!

I recently remade an emulsified body butter I have made in the past, but this time I wanted my fragrance oil to have a stronger smell, so I added a bit more (within the IFRA requirements).

I decreased the liquid oils in my formula for the amount of FO I was adding, but my FO is leaking out of the butter. It almost looks like it’s sweating. The bb is very thick and it looks like I brushed my container with oil before piping in the body butter.

Any ideas as to why this is happening? Did I not decrease enough of the liquid oil? I really didn’t add too much FO on terms of percentage, I added a total of 2.5% of my entire formula. Thank you all!!!
I think that's too much fragrance. I'd've done 2.5% of the oil phase. And not decreased the liquid oils. 2 5% of the water phase is probably way to much fragrance oil.
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I think that's too much fragrance. I'd've don't 2.5% of the oil phase. And not decreased the liquid oils. 2 5% of the water phase is probably way to much fragrance oil.
Thanks for your quick reply! Sorry it’s 2.5% of the overall 100% formula.

If it’s still too much, what is the balance between adding more fragrance oil but making sure it doesn’t leak out? Should I decrease the liquid oils more?
Hi! Thanks very much! So I should decrease some of my water phase then? Can you kindly explain to me the why behind this? I’d love to be more knowledgeable!!
When you are subbing one ingredient for another, it’s best to match like with like, thinking about oil, water, viscosity, and the like. Most FOs contain little oil, and are much more similar to water in viscosity.

Also, since water is the primary ingredient in most lotions, it affords you the most room for altering the percentage without such a drastic effect.

Think about it: most lotion recipes use less than 30% oil. So, if you take 2% off an ingredient only used at 25% (like oil), that’s going to make a much bigger difference than taking 2% off an ingredient used at 70% (like the water).