Too much FO?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2014
Reaction score
I just made some wax tarts for personal use. I didn't measure my fragrance I just added what seemed like a good amount to make my house smell nice. Im wondering if there is anything I should be worried about if I added too much. Thanks in advance
The recommended usage is 1oz per pound of wax but can be more if you are looking for a stronger scent. Nothing will happen to you that would be harmful but it might cause a headache if it is too strong.
Even an overpowering wax tart can make you ill. Sick to your stomach, headaches, burning eyes, itchy skin and if anyone has respiratory issues, burning lungs as well.

Plus your wax only holds so much before the oils begin to seep out and can be messy in storage. Every wax holds a different percentage of oils.

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