Tiny Bubbles

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2011
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I am really happy with my last few batches of soap. I am really learning from all of your advice and my soap is getting better and better. My only concern is that I have some very tiny bubbles in my soap. Is there a way to avoid them, or does most soap have them?
Air bubbles plague us all. When you're using your stick blender, keep it down in the bowl and every minute or two, turn off the SB and use it to stir manually to break up the air bubbles, and do it one last time before you pour. When you pour into the mold, pour slowly and if you can, gently bang the mold onto the counter. Finally, if you aren't doing swirls and just have a solid color, run a spatula through the soap slowly to break up any remaining air bubbles.
Also, I find that if I turn off the stick blender and use a whisk, it helps. Of course, I don't whisk the soap like I'd whisk scrambled eggs...that'd mean even more air bubbles. But I find that swirling the whisk around in the soap helps get rid of the bubbles better than the stick blender does in my soaps.
I'm still pretty new but I've found that I can avoid air bubbles but pouring at a relatively thin trace.
You've been given some great advice here, I also make sure no bubbles are trapped in the "bell" of the sb before turning it on the first time, and pour my lye/water in slowly, allowing it to run down the stem of my sb so it doesn't add any bubbles to the oils as I pour it in.
I find sometimes that even the OO when I measure it out has tiny bubbles in it. I just try to pour it, and the other liquids, very slowly.
The air bubble thing is so maddening! I don't know how some people avoid it other than maybe certain brands of sb being better than others.
I've tried everything and still those dang bubbles are there every time no matter how hard I get rid of the air under the bell, bang the pot and all the rest. Ahhhhhhh!!!!