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Well-Known Member
Mar 30, 2009
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Madrid (España)

Tierra es un jabón de arcillas, blanca, verde y naranja, que proporcionan a la piel, limpieza, combate las impurezas, regula el exceso de grasa, etc...
Los aceites utilizados, oliva, coco, palma, avellana, jojoba, y Karité, proporcionan el equilibrio ideal de la piel.
Contiene aceites esenciales de Mandarina, pomelo, lavandín, patchuli, clavo, vainilla y cedro.

Jabón facial, para pieles mixtas y grasas.


Earth is a clay soap, white, green and orange, which give the skin, cleaning, combat impurities, regulates excess grease, etc ...
Used oils, olive, coconut, palm, hazelnut, jojoba, and shea, provide the ideal balance of the skin.
Contains essential oils of mandarin, grapefruit, bleach, patchouli, clove, vanilla and cedar.

Facial soap for combination and oily skin.


Search our site as Mis Jabones using Google.
your soaps are beautiful! i just noticed this one says "essential oils of bleach", but it looks like you meant lavender. just wanted to point it out!
I wish your site and others would have the translator button on your site so we could enjoy them more by reading them in our language.

Beautiful soap.
meadowyck said:
I wish your site and others would have the translator button on your site so we could enjoy them more by reading them in our language.

Beautiful soap.


put the web address in the box and you will be good to go.

<essential oil of BLEACH???>
or you could just download the google chrome browser. it automatically asks you if you'd like to translate. when i did, indeed "lavendin" showed as "bleach". guess the translation isn't perfect.
Lavandin, lol yeah the translator messed up. lavandin, the flower.

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