Thyme extract use for scent?

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There are a number of chemotypes for rosemary as well, so if you dislike one rosemary EO from one supplier or brand, you might take a sniff of rosemary from another source. Or find a supplier who sells specific chemotypes rather than the more typical blended EO.

Some rosemary chemotypes are considerably sweeter and softer and others are sharper and more medicinal.
Hummm!! I was going off of what the Rosemary in my spiced cubbard smelled like. I’ll have to get some samples 🤗
Rosemary on the plant (or dried rosemary in a spice jar) isn't the same thing as rosemary EO. You really can't assume one will smell like the other.

Essential oils contain only the most volatile chemicals that can be steam distilled from the plant material. EOs don't contain the heavier resins, waxes, etc. that don't boil off at the temperature of boiling water. So the fragrance of the EO will very likely be different than the scent of the plant material.

Extracts/infusions are similar in that they only contain the chemicals that are soluble in the solvent you're using -- alcohol, water, oil, etc. An infusion does not contain the whole spectrum of soluble chemicals contained within the botanical material, so it's likely the infusion won't smell like the plant material either.

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