three smart deer

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Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2007
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Ontario, Canada
These three, who have been visiting all year, are surviving hunting season here, so far, fingers crossed. (sorry to all you hunters in here, but I love these beautiful, gentle visitors to my gardens, bird feeders. I do buy deer feed in late winter for them, from a grain store that mixes it especially, with molasses and various grains. Aren't they pretty?

the boys leave me antlers in January, when they're shedding them.

How could anyone hunt those gorgeous creatures? *shakes head*

I hope they make it through the season...

If I had deer rocking up at my back door I'd be feeding them too. Then again, if I had deer rocking up at my back door here in Perth, that'd be just too weird. LOL :lol:
IanT: about the bass-ackwards deer: everyone has an opinion....most say it's a cowlick, a bad hair day, or a birth defect. Some say it's just normal...and I haven't seen that particular deer again.

It's hunting season though, so I try not to get attached to these beauties. They are not mine, after all, need to keep reminding myself.
Woodi said:
IanT: about the bass-ackwards deer: everyone has an opinion....most say it's a cowlick, a bad hair day, or a birth defect. Some say it's just normal...and I haven't seen that particular deer again.

It's hunting season though, so I try not to get attached to these beauties. They are not mine, after all, need to keep reminding myself.
yes true that... I dont think I could bring myself to kill a deer unless I was really hungry...Id use everything ...even the bones... nothing would go to waste...

and Id probably eat for like a year off the meat...

re:bass ackwards... maybe it WAS a cowlick and one of the deer you have pictured above couldve been the same one?!? they usually frequent the same place more than once, especially if they know there are goodies to be had..theyre def smart animals!

I used to "hunt" them up in NY...(with a camera of course).... here is one that spotted me..I was able to get about 15-20 ft from it until it noticed... :)

Hard to sneak up on those ladies with snow and crackly sticks and leaves everywhere... I made the mistake of stepping on a branch and she looked right at me ...and posed for this shot :)... I just sat down and watched while she chewed on some grass and stuff :)

How beautiful,l can't see how anybody can hunt them either Manda just look at their eyes .Its the same as our Kangaroos how can anybody shot such lovely animals,l know they can be a pest but they were here first and we should learn to live with them.As l have got older l have got more militant in my ideas and would love to go out and join in the different protests that they have for saving animals in danger of being blasted from all sides so its just as well my arthritis has stopped me doing what l would really like to do or this old Granny would probably end up in jail.
pops1 said:
How beautiful,l can't see how anybody can hunt them either Manda just look at their eyes .Its the same as our Kangaroos how can anybody shot such lovely animals,l know they can be a pest but they were here first and we should learn to live with them.As l have got older l have got more militant in my ideas and would love to go out and join in the different protests that they have for saving animals in danger of being blasted from all sides so its just as well my arthritis has stopped me doing what l would really like to do or this old Granny would probably end up in jail.

Use it or lose it !:) thats what they say!! and movement is healing :)

Yeahh.. they are quite beautiful... the eyes always get me... captivating... I really believe that we can communicate with animals, just some have forgotten how, or dont care to take the time to... When looking at an animal, just like a human I take note of suddle changes in facial features, manerisms (sp???) etc... I really think its almost like a telepathic thing lol...

Its even more beautiful when i am able to creep up on a Doe and her Fawn, and can watch the dynamic between them (but its very risky there is often a male somewhere close that may be protecting them, or the female may too.....I find that sitting down next to trees kind of alleviates some of the threat complex that they feel..)...

Its awesome :)
They are beauiful animals, but what really bothers me is that people hit them with their cars and leave them there to rot. There was two hit within a 1/4 mile from each other becauce people have to fly down the road.

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