This is me... connecting our names.

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Considering my forum name, figured it was only fitting to post some pics from one of this summers beach trips.

This is me with my youngest daughter. She still lives with her mom, but spends a couple of months with me each year. She's coming down for Thanksgiving, yeah!
Jordan and Me.jpg

This is me taking the "boys" out for a drink at a beach club.
Me and the Boys.jpg

And this is the whole crew, AKA the testing subjects. :) I raised the older three, by myself. All while teenagers. haha That was fun. The little cutie on the bottom left is my grand daughter. Talk about someone having me tied around their little finger. The Crew.jpg
Very cute pictures and a good crew! Nice to see ya!

You have a lovely family :)

Thanks. I'd like to think I've had some successes in life, but all of them pale in comparison to the pride I have in my kids. Well, young adults, but always my kids and grand kids. ( have the second grand kid due in December).
My aunt still has more energy and spunk than me and a lot of people I know. My mom is 77. I can only hope I have their energy when I'm their age because I don't even have it now.

What great pictures. It's nice putting faces to the names. Beautiful people.
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This is The Admirable Lady and me. We don't always wear this, by the way - it was the wedding of my sister-in-law and she wore traditional Austrian dress for our wedding so we repayed the favour.

Of course, I was dying to buy Liederhosen anyway!

Eta I love the pictures of you all. But in particular I was thinking "look! It's actually DeeAnna!"
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