This is me... connecting our names.

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Well-Known Member
Jul 4, 2013
Reaction score
Sunny California
A lot of people viewed the 'do you want to do this' post but only a handful wanted to do it.. hopefully once it's started more will feel like playing along. Don't be shy! ;)

This thread is help us put a face to the names we see so often around here. I love doing this on other forums and I have definitely been curious to see who's behind some names on here. How much diversity do we have in this soaping/crafting forum?

I'll start.. this is me and my 4 kiddos about 3 months ago on one of our 4 times or so a year trips to the tide pools in Monterey, Ca. I know it's not sometimes good to post pics of your kids, but I'm with them so it's ok that way right. Who would steal this. lol

So grab your significant other to snap a pic of you, find one from the past, or stick out those arms and do a hip 'selfie'. :)

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Yay!! Glad you all posted pics.. Was worried id be all alone. Ha!
All the pictures are great and I'm happy to relate faces to names now!! :)

And I can't do a selfie to save my life, actually only tried a few times and the single good one is with my eldest at the beach the same day as the one I posted.
Thanks all for keeping this going.. loving the pics of everyone!
Sinful I always think dark hair and blue eyes can be stunning and it is on you! I like that color. :) But the red/orange highlight style is fun too. Wish I had lighter hair to color.. and was younger so I could lighten then color. LOL
Thank you I'm always changing my hair up. It was blonde for a long while. So the dark is fun
I am the same way sinful, the reddish in my pic is what is left from being burgandy red for years. I am naturally blonde. I have been debating going red again... your pics aren't helping me out. ;)
I love red hair! I've had just about every color of red, even my natural color is a red/blonde. But I have almost no hair right now as you can see. And what little bit is there is grey and some dark color I've never seen before.

Kelliegh, have fun while you can they tell me I'm not to color my hair anymore and defiantly not red!:sad: