Tried a small batch of my regular recipe for a butterfly swirl. Used Orange 5x, clove, cedar wood EOs and WSP's Sunflower FO all of which I premixed in the oils. The minute they hit the lye, they traced. Any guesses as to the rapid trace culprit?
Read the 4th review down on the WSM site, under the FO comments. That could have been it.
Glad to see you're still alive after those tornado's tearing through your neck of the woods.
That s a seizure. I am sure it is taken care of by now, but in the future if you stick a lid on the pot and let the seized soap go into gel you will be able to quickly stir it together and pour it in the mold quickly. This method will not give time for playing with colors, but can usually get at least one color added into the batter. I would definitely say the clove mixed with the sunflower
Thanks buddy. They were south of us. Just part of life down here in the Deep South.
Another testimony on behalf of a small for test batches when trying new things. It was only about 6 bars, so no big loss if it isn't perfect.
I lived in Jackson for 5 years. That is definitely the most tornado prone area I have ever lived.
Perfect or not, you know we wanna see pics of the latest soap baby! :razz: