The swirl worked! and a couple others

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Nov 6, 2010
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I can't believe this worked! This is from the tutorial agriffin posted for the mantra-type swirl in a loaf. In my head, I was preparing for a single layer soap but the rest of me prepared a recipe for a loaf and got it all done. I was thinking about pouring when I realized it was going to be a loaf- and there it was- another attempt to try this blasted swirl, for which I was totally unprepared. I also realized I was home alone and this type of thing requires three hands to pour the three parts simultaneously. What an idiot! I also had to hold down the dividers to make sure soap didn't leak under, which left me with one hand to pour-even worse! So I pressed down and quickly poured a little in each section ( a lot of juggling of containers ensued) until I thought I had some pressure working for me and I finished the pour. I pulled out a cardboard thing/stick (worked as a stretcher in a pair of shoes) I had in a drawer that is L-shaped and swirled it. I can't believe it actually worked!! The scent is vanilla and musk so the brown parts are going to get very very dark. Smells good and I couldn't believe it when I cut it.

Scented with Fresh Cut Roses. I was thinking of the pale pink with purple accents and a touch of green and gold. I clearly have a lot of work to do regarding proportions- it's more like purple, green and gold with a hint of pale pink. Smells good!

This is Christmas Cabin. I used TKB Gemstone Green for the dark green. I found in another soap that it looks black unless you use a lot, and I mean a lot, so I loaded up. It looked SO COOL as it was gelling- deep with gleams of green like an opal- and then there was a little oil on top and flakes started coming off into the oil. I was CPOP'ing it and it seems like it always gets a little oil on top- I think it overheats a touch, but it ruined the dark green some. All the oil resorbed, but alas the flakes are all over. I'm going to try something similar but not gel or use the heating pad, which doesn't seem to overheat on me.

Has anyone else had issues using a large amount of mica in a small amount of soap? Any ideas what the cut-off is for concentration?
Thanks! I like the last one best, too.

I've gotten a bunch of TK micas (non-pop) and am trying different color combos. It can be hard to figure out exactly what color you'll get. Those micas are to die for- they are so multi-faceted- but in soaps you just get the base color without all the highlights. Too bad! Anyway, it's been fun and I like the half and half with accent colors, so I'm working primarily on that.