The soap gremlins know where I live now,

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2013
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And I think their leader is my husband! Last night I experienced my first soap fail. If it could go wrong, it did. I had everything prepared, or so I thought, and proceeded to start my non accelerating FO vanilla soap. This is a loaf for a relative that I special ordered a fragrance for. I had already made her one loaf with no problems and set out to make the second one. I should note that things started to go bad when my husband put a movie on that I had been waiting to see. He didn't stop the movie so I proceeded to try and rush through the soap making process. That was mistake #1. As I mixed the lye water into my oils, I noticed it started to thicken much more quickly than it should. I kept going though and separated 3 small portions of my batter so they wouldn't discolor with the vanilla FO when I should have just left it as one color. That was mistake #2. In my desperate attempt to finish up, I somehow managed to dump almost my whole jar of mica into one of the separated portions. Yep, mistake #3. Luckily the thick batter allowed me to get most of it back out of batter, but it's still heavily colored. I added the vanilla to the main portion and grabbed for my mold. That's when I realized I hadn't lined the darn thing! (Sigh.) Of course, mistake #4. I had put the mold down just as dear hubby had started the movie and forgot about the freezer paper laying ever so patiently beside it. I basically shoved the paper in quickly and, no surprise here, had to glop the batter into the mold. I was upset that my soap didn't turn out the way I had planned but glad that it basically looked decent. By now I was not in the mood for a movie. I cleaned up and went to bed. This morning, I noticed a huge crack down the middle of the soap. Usually the air conditioner is enough that I don't have to put my mold in the fridge, even with milks and sugars added, but I was cold and had turned it up. I then learned that my dear sweet husband had WASHED HIS HANDS OVER MY LYE WATER!!!!! God only knows what's in there now or if that had any effect on the fast moving batter. My kids know that when I soap, they stay out of the kitchen if they're not helping, and you would think that warning the hubby would be enough. I've never made soap while he was home and never will again. Sorry, long rant over.
Ahhh yes, the soap gremlins, or soaping gods as I call them, have been merry little pranksters this week. I am sorry to hear about your problems. But glad that you seem to have taken them lightheartedly. I'll beat Efficacious to the punch here and ask for pics.
Sounds like your hubby is in league with the gremlins. Man gremlins are the reason I soap while hubby is at work, too many variable to go wrong with a large child like man floating about.
Sorry about the crack, I've had that happen on a couple different occasions. I tend not to soap in the hottest part of the summer for this reason.
I completely understand the child-like man comment. You've described him perfectly. Here are the pictures of the soaps. The first one is NG french vanilla (original) and was fine. It didn't accelerate or act up in any way. The second one is the gremlin soap. I used NG vanilla lace and pearls. While it looks acceptable, I have no idea why it accelerated, especially since it was before the FO was added and hubby washed his hands over the lye solution. I used the same recipe for both. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1435450319.321077.jpgImageUploadedBySoap Making1435450351.899178.jpg
You can see the start of the crack in the second one. There were cracks worse than that in other soaps.
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Shoot, I wish the soap gremlins would come visit me like they visit you if soap like that is what you get for the hassle! Very beautiful soap.
Could he have gotten some of whatever soap he used to wash his hands with in your lyewater? I know one trick for speeding trace with liquid soap is to mix some grated bar soap into the lyewater. Obviously not so desirable
Thanks! It makes me feel better about the gremlin soap, even if that's not what I was going for.
I think you're right, FlybyStardancer. He washed his hands with another one of my soaps I keep at the sink. In any case, I've used this as an excuse to order more vanilla FO from different suppliers.
Thank you! They've darkened up quite a bit, especially the gremlin soap. Here's what they look like now, about a week later. ImageUploadedBySoap Making1435947346.870173.jpg
Wow.. the dark makes it even more gorgeous.
I've learned that sometimes the most beautiful things come from mistakes... :)