The soap box

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Well-Known Member
Dec 7, 2013
Reaction score
Pacific NW, Washington
Today I'm standing on a soap box .. I think it's because I can't soap yet (still not handling hot caustic hell while I'm hopping about on crutches) so I've been watching lots of tutorials and reading, reading, reading.

My pet peeve of the soaping video world are the people who title their video *insert fancy name swirls* so I click on the link but then they yak and yak and yak about their oils and their containers and their dyes and blah, blah, blah and finally 5 minutes into the video they start the swirl and promptly speed up the video so fast you can't see what they just did or their hands take the project off screen so you can't see anything ... and then they slow the speed again or come back into view and yak for another 10 minutes while they cut the soap ... one ... bar ... at ... a ... time ... showing ... you ... each ... side ... of ... every ... bar ... YAWN

Just because you own a video camera, doesn't mean you should post Youtube videos.

Sorry for the rant .. falling off my soap box now!
Yup, I forward to the good bits. Then I overshoot those bits and have to go back. I go back too far and basically repeat this process for long I should have just watched the boring bits. If the clip is about a swirl they could just film the swirl. If you want to learn how to make soap, you'd watch a soap making one right?

*Builds ramp onto soap box for MzMolly. I wouldn't want you to fall off your "crotches" as my youngest calls them.
I don't have any patience for those AT ALL! I don't even fast forward through the stupid parts. If they show measuring oils, or mixing without speeding up the video, I just stop and find another video. Of course, when I was new it was helpful to see measuring and mixing, but unless you're making a beginner's video, don't waste my time with that. And don't talk so much!
I saw one where she couldn't position the camera to show whatever it was she was doing in that soap mold from above, so the entire video was a side shot of the side of her mold and her doing something mysterious inside, and the final shot showing the top....
My favorites are the ones with kids screaming and dogs barking in the background. I do so love to learn not only a swirl technique but also that you've told your kid to put the dog out 57 times and now the cat has thrown up on the couch.
yea, I have zero patience for videos like that too. I started watching a few, but gave up. the poor sound quality, all the background noise, poor video quality...I can't handle it. I just stick to mostly Soaping101 videos now b/c I can hear her and see what she's doing.
I just stick to mostly Soaping101 videos now b/c I can hear her and see what she's doing.

Me too. I love her videos and she has one of those voices that just sound good to the ear.

I'll admit to having some attention deficit issues so some extremely professional videos that are really well made still irritate me if the person talking has a voice or cadence that feels like a pot scrubber on my brain. Or, if they're wearing an apron or t-shirt with writing on it, dangling earrings, rings or clinking bangles I'm too distracted and it frustrates me. I know those are my issues and it's sad that I turn those ones off but Soaping 101 has it down perfect for me. It's just hands, so there's nothing else to distract me, her voice is soothing with no weird inflections, she's quick through the boring bits and slow when it's important.
I'm 100% with you on that one. I also get really irritated when people talk with an up inflection at the end of sentences. it's like they're asking questions all the time, rather than making a statement. SOOO annoying!