The math is simple (even for me) Say you have 32 ounces of oils (907 grams, I use grams for ease). Multiply that 907 by .02 (2%) The recommendation is 1-2%, so I go with the 2%. So 907X.02=18.14. We know that 10 grams of citric neutralizes 6 grams of NaOH (It's different for KOH). So we have 18.14 grams of citric, now multiply that by 6 and divide by 10. So 18.14X6=104.84 and divide by 10=10.884 (I round that up to 11). So 18 grams of citric and 11 grams of NaOH. Now that's not much NaOH, so you could just allow your superfat to increase by a little. But the basic formula is always OilsX.02X6/10. It's not too difficult to understand.I will give it a try. Read so much of Deanna's stuff on Classic Bells about the chelators so would have to decide whether to go with citric acid and deal with adjusting the lye or go the easier route and just use sodium citrate. Seems cheap enough to just buy sodium citrate and have one less calculation to deal with.