I agree with cmzaha and shunt. An umbrella with a table doesn't quite look serious enough about what you are selling. You may find a tent used through your local classifieds. I got my first tent through craigslist (I don't what country you are in so don't know if you have craigslist where you live), and while it needed a bit of cleaning up since it was stored in the person's shed awhile, the price was right and it lasted me just about to the end of my first season at the market until a strong wind came, picked it up, and threw it across the lot. Lesson learned, anchor the tent. Just be aware that the tents are not waterproof, at least not the one that I have or the ones that my neighbors at the market have. While it isn't such a big deal for me since I sell produce, it would be if you were selling soap. I would bring a tarp always at the ready should it start to rain while you are at the market. I hope you do great! I find the markets very enjoyable.