I love this thread, too! It's so nice to learn more about everybody and their backgrounds- writers, musicians, horse-trainers, etc..... oh my!
And I didn't know we had so many nurses here! I almost went into nursing myself, but changed my mind. My mom was a nurse, and my mother-in-law was as well. I guess I just heard one too many horror stories from them. lol
As jobs go, I've been all over the map. I've worked retail management, been a receptionist, a quality-control coordinator for an upscale hotel (i.e., a fancy way of saying I was in charge of making sure the housekeeping staff was doing their job), a child-care provider, a DJ's assistant (helped hubby spin records when he had his DJ business back in the '80's, which was a lot of fun), and even worked for the family business for a while painting the stripes in parking lots. As old-fashioned as it sounds, though, nothing compares or even comes close to being a wife to my wonderful hubby (he's truly my best friend), and a stay-at-home mom to my wonderful son. And as corny as it sounds, they are the joys of my life, and I am so thankful that of all the people in the world that I could've been saddled with, that I'm saddled with them.
As far as personal faith goes, I went about with a big question mark over my head for a while, although never to the point of being an atheist. I grew up in a household where conversations about God just weren't a part of our lives, at least not in any relevant, in-depth way. But in the back of my mind, I never ruled out the possibility of there being a God, and as a youngster I can remember plying my grandmother with so many curious questions about such things that it came to the point that she thought I might end up being a nun one day (ha ha, no chance of that! lol). For those that are wondering, I am a Christian. The turning point for me came when the famous (or infamous, depending on one's perspective) John 3:16 seemed to come alive and literally jump off the page one night as I was reading the Bible. As weird, sappy, hard-to-explain, and as unbelievable as it sounds, I literally felt the tangible love of God envelope me that night in a very real way (instead of the proverbial, well-deserved lightning bolt coming out of the sky to strike me, lol). It was such a profound, paradigm-shifting experience for me and took me so much aback that my life has never been the same since. Christ's love and forgiveness for me is what makes me tick. I don't belong to any "organized" denomination or anything like that, but for what it's worth, if I were to describe my relationship with God as it were, probably the one book out there (other than the Bible) that I've ever run across that best describes my spiritual perspective is 'God Without Religion' by Andrew Farley.