It's good to connect again
It is so good to see posts from y'all again. I did go join the fb site too. I hope I joined the right one because there were several called Talk Soap, but only one was very new with only a few members.
So...have we all stayed busy? I have. And I have ourgrown the house we are renting and we are going to have to move. There is a tiny garage where hubby makes his wooden stuff (including my soap drying racks...I have two smaller ones and one huge one). There's no space to build a shed in the backyard, and I wouldn't want to put the money into it when its not our house, so we are lookin to buy, as they say back here. LOL!
I have been in contact with one other member...but she isn't on fb yet. I hope she joins.
Sure wish Steve could have figured out what happened. All those threads of knowledge just gone is just unbelievable.
Anyway, I am so glad to be here!!