I have had two incidents of DOS developing recently. The first time I decided it was most likely related to the grape seed oil.
Now I just discovered a second batch that I made August 31 developing DOS. No grape seed oil was used in this formula. The only two oils I think would be suspect are Avocado oil and Canola Oil.
I also used English Rose Fragrance Oil.
The soap does not smell off in any way, and when I shave off the surface, the DOS appears to be on the surface only - at least so far.
The DOS is only on the bottom of the soap and it is appearing in the exact part of the soap that was in contact with the racks they sat on during initial curing. I used my baking racks to do this and I am wondering if the metal racks reacted with the soap and caused DOS to start. I would not suspect this except for the DOS appearing exactly on the lightly imprinted rack lines that and no where else and as I stated, so far not inside the soap.
Does anyone have any similar experience. And does my theory sound like a reasonably cause?
I have shaved off all the DOS. If it is not caused by spoiled oil, and it has not penetrated inside, do you think the soap is salvaged?
Now I just discovered a second batch that I made August 31 developing DOS. No grape seed oil was used in this formula. The only two oils I think would be suspect are Avocado oil and Canola Oil.
I also used English Rose Fragrance Oil.
The soap does not smell off in any way, and when I shave off the surface, the DOS appears to be on the surface only - at least so far.
The DOS is only on the bottom of the soap and it is appearing in the exact part of the soap that was in contact with the racks they sat on during initial curing. I used my baking racks to do this and I am wondering if the metal racks reacted with the soap and caused DOS to start. I would not suspect this except for the DOS appearing exactly on the lightly imprinted rack lines that and no where else and as I stated, so far not inside the soap.
Does anyone have any similar experience. And does my theory sound like a reasonably cause?
I have shaved off all the DOS. If it is not caused by spoiled oil, and it has not penetrated inside, do you think the soap is salvaged?