superfat at trace or is it in the recipe??

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Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2012
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Are you supposed to leave some of the oil out of a recipe and add at trace or does the recipe discount the lye to achieve the same result? Some recipes say they're super-fatted and I just do what the recipe says, but they don't indicate where the super-fatting takes place.
If a recipe says its supperfated, it usually means there is a lye discount already calculated (less lye needed to saponify all the oils used, a superfat essentially). However, you should always run your recipes through a lye calculator. You don't need to leave anything out, though some recipes might call for adding an oil after the lye has been added, in hopes that the property of that particular oil will be maintained. I just combine all the oils and calculate whatever discount I want (usually 7% for most of my soap).
Since lye is still active at trace, it doesn't really matter when you add the suparfatting oil/butter. I just add it with my regular oils so I remember.

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