Super Excited Newbie!

Soapmaking Forum

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New Member
Nov 10, 2015
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Howdy, y'all! I just joined the forum, and it's nice to see all the activity! I'm Charmy, and I'm from the beautiful mountains of Virginia. I recently started soaping after a long time spent researching. Honestly, it took me ages to get up the courage to make my first batch of soap. I was terrified to use the lye, but I finally have my first batch under my belt, and look forward to making more!
I was apprehensive with my first couple of batches, but I soon took off on a lifetime addiction. Welcome to the forum.
Hello and welcome! I too was very hesitant with my first few batches, then it became an addiction. Also, it takes lots and lots of practice as well as testing to find one that's it. Starting a business was the last thing on my mind.
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