suds when mixing lye and oils?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
I have a question. When I made a batch yesterday (not unmolded yet), when I poured the lye in the oils, it immediately had suds. That didn't happen on the other 2.
It seemed to be more bubbly than the other 2. I mixed it with the wooden spoon for a bit to get all the bubbles out before pouring. After pouring and gelling, I looked at it and on the top, it looks like it has tiny bubbles all the way to the surface.

Is that because of the recipe?

It was 50% OO, SO 10%, Shea Butter 10%, Palm Kernel 30%, superfatted 5%
It only happens to me with my laundry soap which is "0" superfat, are you sure your lye qty was ok
yeah i put it through the soapcalc.

I'll try that recipe again and see if it does it. It could be that I didn't measure the right amount.

I'll try it again and see what it does! Thanks :)
Did you have scent in the oils? could it be ricing and not bubbles? (They look literally like little pieces of rice in the mixture)
I've never had bubbles in my soap mixture until I'm cleaning up, so if that is what it is, I'm sorry I can't help...
No scents in the oils, just regular oils.

We'll see if it happens again when I try it again.

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