Stick blender

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Well-Known Member
Apr 28, 2009
Reaction score
Commerce, Tx
Ok so i'm buying a stick blender from Ebay.. slightly used but it's like 8 bucks S&H and 4 bucks itself... can't beat that.. it's going to be used for SOOOAAAPPPP!!!! But I see how many of ya'll recommend stick blenders so I thought I should go ahead and get a slightly used one.. don't want a brand new one for 15 bucks or more lmao.. :p

When using the stick blender, can you use it when mixing your lye and water? would it heat up to much?
I've never made soap without a stick blender and it does the job for me. I don't think I'd want to mix the lye solution with it though, I think there's more risk of splashes and it may rot the blades/end of the stick?
Plus there's no reason to use a stick blender in your lye solution. It set's up so fast on it's own that the stick blending thing is not nessecary, and it would splash. Save it for the soap making portion.
If it is an older SB you did well I have 2 older ones and a new one, the older ones rock, imho , the new one will be kept for emergency use only :D

Noooooo don't stick blend your lye water. We like you with eyeballs. :wink:

I dunno how people soap without a stickblender. Do ya'll just have one big ol' Michelle Obama gun, on one side? You'll love it.
I tried soaping with a spoon ONCE :shock:
I can't imagine how those pioneers did it, I stirred for 40 minutes and didn't reach trace. Scraped my spoon off, dug out my SB, buzz, trace, pour :D
Never looked back!
I love my SB! But not when I'm working with trick FO's. If I'm using an FO that I haven't used before I alwys mix by hand with a stainless steel wire wisk first. If it's not accelerating, the I hit it with a couple quick bursts with the SB. I had to learn the hard way what soap on a stick was :?
ok!!! LMAO!! I was thinking about lye burning through my clothes when I was getting ready to buy it.. I had a full movie picture in my mind.. then I thought no way you would mix lye that way... i'm sure it's just for adding oils hahahaha I can't wait to get started though, i'm going to wait to buy lye when I get back to the states because you have to fill out a waiver n' such so it's easier for me to knock it out when I get back to the states.. :wink: one and a half weeks!!!!!! :D
You all convinced me to get a stick blender. :) Now do you all use it on High or Low speed or both depending on where your at in the mixing.

I know this is kinda a dumb question but wanted to know as I have seen some on youtube that really whip it....... never stopping until it traces. I thought you all said use sparingly and stir with a spoon between uses to avoid false trace.

rupertspal42 said:
ok!!! LMAO!! I was thinking about lye burning through my clothes when I was getting ready to buy it.. I had a full movie picture in my mind.. then I thought no way you would mix lye that way... i'm sure it's just for adding oils hahahaha I can't wait to get started though, i'm going to wait to buy lye when I get back to the states because you have to fill out a waiver n' such so it's easier for me to knock it out when I get back to the states.. :wink: one and a half weeks!!!!!! :D

I'm happy to hear you're on your way home, and that you're safe, Victoria. Thank you for what you do for all of us. :D I think about you guys all the time. It'd be a real drag that you navigated Iraq unscathed but came home and put an eye out with lye water and a stick blender, now wouldn't it?! :wink:
Val said:
You all convinced me to get a stick blender. :) Now do you all use it on High or Low speed or both depending on where your at in the mixing.

I know this is kinda a dumb question but wanted to know as I have seen some on youtube that really whip it....... never stopping until it traces. I thought you all said use sparingly and stir with a spoon between uses to avoid false trace.


Just buzz it full speed til you start to see a slight change, then you can turn it off and stir with it, and zap intermittently. It's really a feel thing. If you're not doing any fancy swirling, you can go ahead and zap it on full speed, until you get the trace thickness you want, I've found.
Thanks LJA,

I do plan to swirl some but not in the pot. Hopefully I can get a pretty one my first or second try. Limited on funds and don't want to mess up too much. LOL I already trashed one due to lavender buds...... tried to rebatch it using more oil like making a new soap but couldn't get the darn things out LOL Live and learn. I wont use flowers like that anymore.

Val said:
Thanks LJA,

I do plan to swirl some but not in the pot. Hopefully I can get a pretty one my first or second try. Limited on funds and don't want to mess up too much. LOL I already trashed one due to lavender buds...... tried to rebatch it using more oil like making a new soap but couldn't get the darn things out LOL Live and learn. I wont use flowers like that anymore.


Val, what didn't you like about the lavender?
Well for one it looked like mice had a hay day in it LOL also the soap was sticky. I think the eo I used was old ..... i had it for long time. Smelled great but was gooey sticky like so I thought I had to rebatch and save the scent .... anyway so I thought I could strain out the buds if I added it to another batch and melting the old with the new oils before adding the lye. Well that didn't work out as it was like applesauce and couldn't get the buds out which is what I wanted to do.

Val said:
Well for one it looked like mice had a hay day in it LOL also the soap was sticky. I think the eo I used was old ..... i had it for long time. Smelled great but was gooey sticky like so I thought I had to rebatch and save the scent .... anyway so I thought I could strain out the buds if I added it to another batch and melting the old with the new oils before adding the lye. Well that didn't work out as it was like applesauce and couldn't get the buds out which is what I wanted to do.


Ohhh...I see. Ya know, some people like to grind up the buds and put them in the soap too. It eliminates the poop (hee) but you still get the effect. Expect some browning though. Good luck with the next one!
Thanks LJA! my first soap came out great. Beginners luck I guess. I then made a honey oatmeal soap that I used the cpop on and thought I messed it up. So far it looks ok it is slightly oily feeling but not much...... figure it needs to cure longer since it was only made on the 8th but looking good. I also made some with 0 sf for laundry too. Grated some up already......think that was ok? It is dry but smells like lard should I have waited for full cure before grating it up.

Ok so I didn't mess up. I thought it would be easier and dry faster too. LOL


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