It would help if you posted your recipe and gave more information of how you went about making your soap. Details are needed to help.
dont know temps I mixed at didnt know that would affect it
what temp do you suggest ?
I did have some cakey bars that were soft for a bit, and I think it was because they didn't gel and I took them out of the mold too soon
thanks Kryse13 I will try that see if that makes a diffrence
with olive oil soaps i soap just under 110 degrees. But you have a very high percentage of olive oil in your recipe. I seldom do over 35%. maybe that is your issue.
with olive oil soaps i soap just under 110 degrees. But you have a very high percentage of olive oil in your recipe. I seldom do over 35%. maybe that is your issue.
this was meant for Misha
i ran your numbers as well as Kickajess, came up with the same ratios.
I'm sorry, I think the world revolves around me . Just kidding!
Sent from my SGH-T589R using Soap Making mobile app
maybe if you start a new thread with your recipe and soap temp we can help. without confusion ha ha. i got confused for a second myself.