I agree with
@KiwiMoose, a lot of places offer those adulterated butters. I think they are just moneymakers for the sellers and that people don't read closely enough to realize that they are almost all soy. I won't tell you how I know, but I'm not making that mistake again. Another thing to consider is that soy butter may have a shorter shelf life than whatever it is being sold as, so I would consider (eg) avocado butter of this type to have a shelf life of 8 mos (for soy butter) rather than 100% avocado butter (1-1.5 years).
Hi not_ally, I have yet to find an avocado butter that is not mixed with something else, such as hydrogenated vegetable oil (Brambleberry), Soy Butter (New Directions), Soybean lipids and beeswax (Making Cosmetics), etc. If you're aware of any, please let me know where I can find it. Thanks for the info.
I haven't heard of soy butter, but I use soy wax in my soap. I guess it's the same thing? Hydrogenated soy? But I agree - i definitely would not waste money on 'butters' that are not really a proper butter.
Thanks KiwiMoose, I'm guessing that they mean hydrogenated soy. The only true one ingredient butters that I'm aware of are Cocoa, Mango, Illipe, Kokum, Shea, Cupuacu, and something called Sal (that I never heard of before). I often use Cocoa, Kokum and Mango for making soap, but I was also using "Avocado" butter, which I found out is a combination of mostly other things and only a small amount of avocado. That's when I started thinking maybe just using Soy Butter (which is probably soy wax) and adding avocado oil.
My only concern is typing the correct substance into the
lye calculator.
In general I save my expensive ingredients for leave-on products. I do know some sellers will include small amounts of expensive ingredients in soap for label appeal.
Thanks Zing, I agree, trying to find the right substance in the
lye calculator is kind of what led me to the original question, because, even though avocado butter is listed in the
lye calculator, I haven't found one that is actually avocado rather than a mix, so I wondered whether I should be using Hydrogenated Soybean instead. I can get avocado oil here at Costco fairly inexpensively, so my logic was to just use the soy and add the avocado oil as one of the oils for the soap. I wondered whether anyone else might have come to the same conclusion about those butters, like avocado, which turn out to be at least 90% something else.