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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2011
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Hii everyone!
I wanted to share my fuzzy little friend with you. It's a camembert which I made june 7th, which means that it will be of age soon! It's already starting to feel softer in the middle. So hoping this one will be creamy on the inside. Previous one was a sad fail... Didnt get creamy and then I waited to long for it to get creamy so it got older and got an amonium smell (les francais seem to like it, but I sure don't!)

Homemade camembert cheese by Ileandra, on Flickr

I know it's not soap, but a person has got to eat between soaping to, no?
Thanks for watching!
Let's pray (very,very,VERY) hard that that cheese never happens to me. The idea on itself already makes my stomach complain :p
Once saw antonio carluccio eat in italy with sheep herders in the middle of nowhere. Why would one want to make, or eat, cheese with maggots in it? The extra protein?
To soften it up (it starts as regular hard sheep cheese) and it is said to work as an aphrodisiac.
:p I don't think I'd kiss my boyfriend for at least a month though.
I just became a big fan of goat cheese. Went to goat school and got to try some. We are getting our goats as soon as fencing is done. Your looks amazing. Hope this time it works for you.
Goat school? Now i have a vision of baby goats with glasses sitting on a schoolbench. :p
Not wanting to make fun of you ofc! What's it like? Do they teach you to make goat's milk cheese or how to keep goats? My mom used to have goats when she was little, but they had a certain scent she can't forget which make her stay far away from the meat, milk and cheese. I'm not gonna make a cheese that won't be eaten so I don't make it.

Anyone who'd ever try a basic fresh cheese: heat a quart of milk (can chose what type) till it starts to simmer and add the juice of a lemon. You should see it starting to separate, if after a couple of minutes it's still not separating add some more lemon. Pour the whole thing through a cheesecloth (or a kitchen towel, rinse first to get rid of soap, its not so tasty...). Drain the whey of (takes between 1 and 2hrs), add salt and herbs and give it a try! (It's better if it has been chilled in the fridge for a while)
I believe this is a common "recipe" in the US. People in the US seem to make a lot more homemade things then people in europe or is that just me?
Too funny! We as a soaping group would probably test high for interest in making goat cheese. There must be a correlation!!

Beautiful cheese, you got there Sanguine. And, like Skatergirl46, (as I get chills at the imagery) no maggots for me! Now I'm choking at the thought. Moving on before the heaves come next.
That looks absolutely divine! To me, the stinkier the cheese, the better :p

I am a cheese fanatic! One of the hardest things for me about moving back to the States - and I'm not kidding here - is that I wasn't going to have access to all the wonderful cheese markets like you find throughout Europe! I almost couldn't bare the thought. I've had to resort to cheese clubs online to get my fix, as the town I live in has a very poor selection. I really wish the laws were more favorable for small, artisan cheese makers here. I think the way things are now, it makes it difficult to have a thriving cheese culture (no pun intended ;-) in the States.

I do make my own fresh mozzarella, though.
LOL goat school is for new people wanting goats to learn how to care for them and make goat product for personal use.

My BIL is really wanting to make cheese. i have the BOOK that I bought a few years ago. Just never got all the starters and stuff. This winter project.
I really wish the laws were more favorable for small, artisan cheese makers here.

The only thing we have here is artisan beer makers!:p

And soap makers!

Oh how i wish we were allowed to have artisan smoked and dried meats in the US too! Prosciutto, salami,etc.

I think I could die a happy woman any day of the week if i could walk to a local market and pick up a nice cheese, prosciutto, just out of the oven bread, have it with a nice young wine and wash it all off with a nicely aged castile(preferably mine). :) We need to work on the laws here.
OMG!! I think i just died with the biggest speck eating grin ever! My dried meat smuggler maybe not so much, lol.

Thank you!
I thought it was allowed in the US to make all these products? I've seen many people make cheese and cured meats. And the good thing is: the same cultures are used for the cheese and the meat!
Been thinking to make cured meats to, but dont really have a spot to cure them
Not sure what you are thinking about but meat is not cured with same culters as cheese. Meat is done with spices and salt and sugar or in a brine. Yes, it is allowed to make them if you are doing it for personal use or are USDA lic and inspected. Just not for sale of the farm.

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