Some olive oil and red palm oil on closeout dirt cheap on WSP right now

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Well-Known Member
Apr 10, 2023
Reaction score
Seattle, Washington
Okay soapers! I don't want anyone thinking I have an ownership interest in, but right now, they have some extra virgin olive oil and some red palm oil on closeout absolutely dirt cheap- well unless I read wrong.
It doesn't say what brand it is. But, I assume it's fine for soapmaking. I ordered some. Hopefully, it will arrive before they sell out. Because if its actually good and not expired or something, I'm going to buy some more!!
Seriously, it's dirt cheap. And they have free shipping if you purchase $25 or more. Hard to beat.
Okay soapers! I don't want anyone thinking I have an ownership interest in, but right now, they have some extra virgin olive oil and some red palm oil on closeout absolutely dirt cheap- well unless I read wrong.
It doesn't say what brand it is. But, I assume it's fine for soapmaking. I ordered some. Hopefully, it will arrive before they sell out. Because if its actually good and not expired or something, I'm going to buy some more!!
Seriously, it's dirt cheap. And they have free shipping if you purchase $25 or more. Hard to beat.
I agree! That price can't be beat and I couldn't pass it up with the price of OO these days. I ordered some as well. Fingers crossed it's fine for soaping! Thanks for posting!
Yes, looks like both the OO and the PO are gone. I'm not surprised, the OO is gone, it was sooooo cheap. I'm surprised the PO is already gone, too, since it is less popular.

I've never used red palm oil.
@Kryss, some people don't care for red palm oil for environmental reasons, it can be a little controversial as land that's cleared for palm oil plantations leads to deforestation and habitat destruction. I didn't know about this when I started soaping and bought my bottle of palm oil. The PO I bought happened to be RSPO certified. Since I'd sworn off palm oil (unrelated to the deforestation issue) I have to say that I had completely even forgotten about deforestation when I ordered it on this close out sale. I'm hoping this has an RSPO certified seal on it...

Other people don't care for red palm oil because it has a strong and distinct smell. I was really okay with the smell, it reminds me a little of red cargo rice, which I love in a rice blend that I make. But, even in small amounts (like 12%), it colors the soap a deep yellow / orange. It's actually a really pretty color. But, if you want to make a soap with more than one color, you are limited to a soap with a palette w/ a yellow base - greens, browns, orange, etc. unless you want to add alot of TD. So, if you want to make a yellow based soap, its a great way to color your soap naturally without mica or any other additive.

The only time I have ever soaped without any colorant whatsoever was when I soaped with red palm oil- specifically to get a more natural soap. It turned out an absolutely beautiful creamy yellowish orange. Unfortunately, it got super bad soda ash. I battled it for a couple weeks- spraying alcohol and steaming before it subsided. All the alcohol and steaming did seem to change the color and creamy look a little. It turned into a shinier, more orangish color. Still okay but not the beautiful creamy look it had before my battle began. Recently, when I looked at it, it had gotten some more white spots. Since I ordered a 7 lb jug of it- I guess I'll find out if it was the palm oil or something else....
Yes, looks like both the OO and the PO are gone. I'm not surprised, the OO is gone, it was sooooo cheap. I'm surprised the PO is already gone, too, since it is less popular.

@Kryss, some people don't care for red palm oil for environmental reasons, it can be a little controversial as land that's cleared for palm oil plantations leads to deforestation and habitat destruction. I didn't know about this when I started soaping and bought my bottle of palm oil. The PO I bought happened to be RSPO certified. Since I'd sworn off palm oil (unrelated to the deforestation issue) I have to say that I had completely even forgotten about deforestation when I ordered it on this close out sale. I'm hoping this has an RSPO certified seal on it...

Other people don't care for red palm oil because it has a strong and distinct smell. I was really okay with the smell, it reminds me a little of red cargo rice, which I love in a rice blend that I make. But, even in small amounts (like 12%), it colors the soap a deep yellow / orange. It's actually a really pretty color. But, if you want to make a soap with more than one color, you are limited to a soap with a palette w/ a yellow base - greens, browns, orange, etc. unless you want to add alot of TD. So, if you want to make a yellow based soap, its a great way to color your soap naturally without mica or any other additive.

The only time I have ever soaped without any colorant whatsoever was when I soaped with red palm oil- specifically to get a more natural soap. It turned out an absolutely beautiful creamy yellowish orange. Unfortunately, it got super bad soda ash. I battled it for a couple weeks- spraying alcohol and steaming before it subsided. All the alcohol and steaming did seem to change the color and creamy look a little. It turned into a shinier, more orangish color. Still okay but not the beautiful creamy look it had before my battle began. Recently, when I looked at it, it had gotten some more white spots. Since I ordered a 7 lb jug of it- I guess I'll find out if it was the palm oil or something else....
Oh wow, thanks for the information. I wasn't sure what the best use for it would be.

As a side note: WSP now has SLSA on sale in the same way the OO and RPO were listed. Can't by-pass this bargain either. Half the regular price!

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