Some EBB FO "reviews"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2014
Reaction score
New England
I'm terrible at describing fragrances, so this will just be more of an impression than a review. I just received a couple of fragrances that I'd ordered from Elements Bath & Body, in my quest to find replacements for some of my standard FOs.

The first was an attempt to replace Flowerburst from the Scent Works, (since it seems kind of iffy if they are going to stay in business). The EBB version is very nice OOB, and seems close to the SW version. It's a soft, powdery floral. Hopefully it will be as nice when soaped.

The other was Sparkling Green Tea. Very early on in my soapmaking, I discovered MMS's Green Tea, and I've loved it ever since. But it is the only FO I order from there, and the shipping charges are awful, since they're out west, and I'm out east. So I'm trying to find something more economical, but that still has that wonderful, fresh, green tea scent. Sparkling Green Tea from EBB is not it. It's nice, but when I opened the bottle, I was hoping for the green tea from MMS, and it's not even close. Like I said, pleasant, but I don't know, maybe a little floral. I'm looking for straight green tea, so this one is a miss.

I did get two samples. The first one is Orange Cake. Very cakey, not too much orange. Maybe more like buttercream frosting. Nice, but not for me.

The other one is Sparkling Citrus Sangria. I like this one. Clean, citrusy, smells like a spa fragrance to me. I may give this one a try.

Do any of you know a good green tea FO? Just straight green tea, no florals or anything else mixed in? I hate to have to bite the bullet and order from MMS, but I just may have to.
If you do order from MMS, you might try their carrot FO. I know it sounds strange but its wonderful. Light and fresh with green notes but it really does smell like carrot.
If you do order from MMS, you might try their carrot FO. I know it sounds strange but its wonderful. Light and fresh with green notes but it really does smell like carrot.

Sounds interesting, but I rechecked their price on the green tea, and it's up since the last time I purchased from them, so i doubt if I'll be buying there again. It's a shame, they have some really nice FOs. Wish I weren't so far away.
Wait, who's EEB? Is there an FO supplier that I've missed? Or do I just not have enough coffee in me?
Ooooh, I love MMS's Green Tea. It's one of my 'keeper' FOs. Unfortunately, I 've never smelled any others to be able to suggest a good replacement. While looking on the ScentReviewBoard just now, though, 2 possible candidates came into view as I was reading the scent descriptions people were leaving in their reviews of Sweet Cake's Green Tea and also Daystar's Green Tea. Who knows- it might be worth it to buy a small sample of each to see.

Obsidian said:
If you do order from MMS, you might try their carrot FO. I know it sounds strange but its wonderful. Light and fresh with green notes but it really does smell like carrot.

Oh my goodness- they have their Carrot scent back?! I have been hoarding the last ounce of it that I bought back in 2006 and hoping and praying they would carry it again. This makes me soooo happy! :-o The scent is so amazing. It smells just like real carrots to my nose. Looks like I'm gonna have to do some shopping at MMS!

IrishLass :)
Ooooh, I love MMS's Green Tea. It's one of my 'keeper' FOs. Unfortunately, I 've never smelled any others to be able to suggest a good replacement. While looking on the ScentReviewBoard just now, though, 2 possible candidates came into view as I was reading the scent descriptions people were leaving in their reviews of Sweet Cake's Green Tea and also Daystar's Green Tea. Who knows- it might be worth it to buy a small sample of each to see.

Oh my goodness- they have their Carrot scent back?! I have been hoarding the last ounce of it that I bought back in 2006 and hoping and praying they would carry it again. This makes me soooo happy! :-o The scent is so amazing. It smells just like real carrots to my nose. Looks like I'm gonna have to do some shopping at MMS!

IrishLass :)

Oh, I'm glad someone else knows MMS's Green Tea.....isn't it just perfect? But $36 a pound, and then s&h on top of makes me want to cry. Now I hear two raves for this weird carrot FO......don't make me do it! I have a sinking feeling that I'm not going to find a green tea that's up to snuff with the one from MMS. Thank you for the recs, if I'm placing any order from either place, I'll give theirs a try. It's awful when you fall in love with a particular FO, and the rising price keeps you from having it. :-(