Soleseif & shine ?

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Nov 25, 2019
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After breaking the ice yesterday with my first posting, I'm probably going to bombard the forum with all the questions I can't find answers too....
First one ...made my first ever batch of Soleseif last week. 25% pink Himalayan brine ( I know....I've read not to use Himalayan, but that's what I had) and it's the most beautiful hard, shiny & smooth bar I've ever made... I just want to keep rubbing it on my face. Is this what soleseif is/does? .... or could it be something else I did ? I did a rose clay swirl but the white portion is just as shiny. Oils- CO, olive, almond & castor. 10% superfat. I did soap at a higher temp than I usually do Oils 49 C, lye 57 C. Any suggestions ? Can't wait to try it !
I don't know your exact recipe but Soleseif typically use a high percentage of CO which makes a nice hard bar.
Using brine also helped hardening the soap as people usually add salt to harden their bar. The clay could also help with the texture. I've made a batch similar to yours sometimes ago with himalayan salt and rose clay. It hardened super fast and was nice and smooth.
Himalayan salt is fine used as a brine, if you strain out the clay bits that can fall to the bottom of the brine, it is when it is used in Salt Bars that Himalayan Salt is not recommended since it is not dissolved.
I don't know your exact recipe but Soleseif typically use a high percentage of CO which makes a nice hard bar.
Using brine also helped hardening the soap as people usually add salt to harden their bar. The clay could also help with the texture. I've made a batch similar to yours sometimes ago with himalayan salt and rose clay. It hardened super fast and was nice and smooth.
Thanks Arnstarx... I had 70% CO, and with the salt I was expecting a hard bar....but it was the shine and smoothness that intrigued me as I wasn't expecting this with a brine bar..... in fact I was expecting a disaster as it went to a thick trace very suddenly and I was too late adding the clay...what a mess ! I glopped it into the moulds, scraped it across the top to try and smooth it....UGH ! I certainly wasn't expecting the lovely bar that I got ! Sounds like it was just a good combination of ingredients....anyway I'll try it again today (without letting trace get away on me !!)....and report back :)
Himalayan salt is fine used as a brine, if you strain out the clay bits that can fall to the bottom of the brine, it is when it is used in Salt Bars that Himalayan Salt is not recommended since it is not dissolved.
Thanks for that reassurance cmzaha :) It's just that I read recently...and I think it would have been on the forum somewhere, that pink Himalayan salt should not even be used in a brine as the crystals can reform ? Did I misunderstand ? I wasn't terribly worried anyway because my soap is only for family & friends.
If all your salt was dissolved in the water, it won't reform into crystals. It only happens if your solution is super-saturated and it precipitates.
Soleseife bars do tend to be really shiny in my experience too. I love them for that; they are hard and smooth as a rock.

(I'll need to make another batch of soleseife when I get to soaping again!!)
If all your salt was dissolved in the water, it won't reform into crystals. It only happens if your solution is super-saturated and it precipitates.
Soleseife bars do tend to be really shiny in my experience too. I love them for that; they are hard and smooth as a rock.

(I'll need to make another batch of soleseife when I get to soaping again!!)
Thanks atiz.... that's great to hear !
Your soleseife bars will be great, so enjoy them. I usually use Himalayan brine in my soleseife bars when I have chunks of Himalayan salt I want to get rid of. I find it the best way to use it up. Once I had a Himalayan Salt candle holder I was tired of so in a bucket of water it went. :p It became re-purposed.
After breaking the ice yesterday with my first posting, I'm probably going to bombard the forum with all the questions I can't find answers too....
First one ...made my first ever batch of Soleseif last week. 25% pink Himalayan brine ( I know....I've read not to use Himalayan, but that's what I had) and it's the most beautiful hard, shiny & smooth bar I've ever made... I just want to keep rubbing it on my face. Is this what soleseif is/does? .... or could it be something else I did ? I did a rose clay swirl but the white portion is just as shiny. Oils- CO, olive, almond & castor. 10% superfat. I did soap at a higher temp than I usually do Oils 49 C, lye 57 C. Any suggestions ? Can't wait to try it !
Just fyi, I have been letting mine cure for 12 weeks before using. I am in love with these soaps - best bath soap ever!
Just fyi, I have been letting mine cure for 12 weeks before using. I am in love with these soaps - best bath soap ever!
Hope I can wait it out that long :) Made my second batch 2 days ago.... it looks beautiful, lovely and smooth but not the same shine as the first time...hoping that it might happen with age 🤞
Have a feeling they'll be a favourite of mine too !