Soap..the new drug!?

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Active Member
Sep 27, 2012
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I was browsing our 1 of 2 craft stores and wondered into the cake decorating section. I stumbled upon rows and rows of new things I can use for my soap! I gotta say I was like a crack addict that just scored a major hit!! LOL Not to make light of a serious problem. But I was crazed. Grabbing molds of all descriptions..and titanium oxide..I couldn't believe my luck. I've looking for a recipie to make a 'white' bar. Now I can. WHOOHOO! :lol:
I wish our local hobby store stocked more soap and bath and body supplies and equipment.
Lol I feel the same way JeanieB! I don't have a car so I do a lot of online shopping for my soap habit. I've had to limit myself to $100 a month. Lol, $125-$150 if I've had an exceptionally good coupon run at my favorite grocery store. They double all coupons, including $1 coupons, everyday!
JeanieB said:
I gotta say I was like a crack addict that just scored a major hit!! LOL Not to make light of a serious problem. But I was crazed.

I was the same way. But believe it or not, you will calm down about buying supplies in...oh...say 2 or 3 years. :lol:
Sounds very fun with all the cool things you'll be able to make. I'm always drawn to the baking goods aisle to stand there and look at oils, even ones I might not need. It's like a soaper's nook.
Hazel said:
JeanieB said:
I gotta say I was like a crack addict that just scored a major hit!! LOL Not to make light of a serious problem. But I was crazed.

I was the same way. But believe it or not, you will calm down about buying supplies in...oh...say 2 or 3 years. :lol:

I am brand new to soap making, my first cold process batch is still in the mold, in fact. I have justified buying things to myself as "I need the right tools to get started". Heck, I gave my husband a list of some of the more expensive oils, EO, resource books etc as my Christmas wishlist.

I'm not sure my bank account can take 2 or 3 years of the frenzy, lol
Hazel said:
JeanieB said:
I gotta say I was like a crack addict that just scored a major hit!! LOL Not to make light of a serious problem. But I was crazed.

I was the same way. But believe it or not, you will calm down about buying supplies in...oh...say 2 or 3 years. :lol:

hahaa... this is only true because eventually you have bought EVERY SINGLE THING you could possibly ever need or want. and you run out of space (very sad).
Seems we are all riding in the same boat.......the Christmas list, the Oil aisle at the store. And lets not speak of the coupons that the register spits out after you buy said oils! They know my weakness :shock: !!!!
I find myself sitting in front of my racks of curing soap, just gazing, sometimes poking, sometimes prodding. Very therapeutic. I just need a hit or two each day, and I'm fine.
I woke up at 4am thinking of soaping,starting to get itchy and anxious. I got up at 4:45am and whipped up a pound and a half, just to keep the symptoms down. Sigh.

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