Soap ricing

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Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2010
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I'm not entirely sure-but I think my soap "riced" right at the end. I quick dumped it into the mold after mixing it a bit more (the FO seemed to do it-yay! ech...) It wasn't super "brainy" but....

am wondering-do I let it sit in the mold the way I normally would-and if it did rice-what are the ramifications? Can I mill it out (do a triple milling or something?) or can it be worked into other soap?

And I can't find info on what happens if it "almost" rices-does it fix itself as it cures? Or is there a lye problem?

sorry for the length-I found tons of stuff on other issues, but not this one.
I had this happen tonite with a new Pumpkin Pie FO. When I have a troublesome batch I just dump it in the crock pot and HP it.
riced soap can end up OK, but often you end up with a weird look and possibly texture. what I MOST often get, if I don't immediately HP it, are lye pockets. :(
I'm not familiar with how to HP-I put it out to cure. Can I still HP it? And I'm not entirely sure it fully wasn't as "gloppy" as the pics I've seen of ricing. Can it do it just a little?
I would say to give it a nice long cure. Maybe 6 weeks or more. Then cut a bar and check for lye pockets. I have had modest luck with a batch starting to rice by adding a little splash of water and hitting it with a wire whisk. I can't seem to beat it fast or hard enough with just a spoon. A SB can make ricing worse but it can also smooth it out. Sort of a trial and error thing, I guess. On my last ricing experience, I added about one teaspoon of liquid lecithin (which I keep handy by the soaping pot...if you have to go dig it out of your supplies, it could be too late). That was for a one lb. batch. It helped to smooth things out or homogenize the oils and water. Not perfect, but I was able to save the batch and get it into the mold. After the cure, I could not tell that it had riced by looking at it. It took awhile though to cure out nicely.