So this isn't a meme... But maybe funny... For April Fool's Day I have a post scheduled featuring meatloaf and mashed potato soap. The meatloaf was a rebatch gone horribly wrong and the mashed potato is my Castile (which is lovely). My bf thought my soap obsession went too far....
Lol that is funny about eating soap! Every time I post one on my FB people ask if it is food! I have to add a note.
Bless his heart.
I think that's hilarious! And even funnier if you have it available to buy and people buy it!!!
I gave out gift bags for Christmas - they included soap, lip balm and a candy cane. Somebody apparently bit the soap and grimaced. "That's the worst candy I ever had."
And the scent was Green Tweed. Not even a food scent.
Bless his heart.
"...Somebody apparently bit the soap and grimaced. "That's the worst candy I ever had."..."
I remember reading about a guy who got soap from the family soap maker, but the soap kept disappearing. Turns out his roomie was eating the soap as a snack. Even after being warned that it wasn't food, he apparently still chowed down.
Ugh. :sick:
I tossed the rebatch after I took the picture. Not sure what I did wrong but it didn't lather at all. I had been going to keep it for my personal use but even I wouldn't use it!
I'm thinking about putting a warning on my chocolate soap label - WARNING: DO NOT EAT Just as a joke, I think it's obviously soap ... although it seriously smells edible ...
A friend made soap that looked just like coconut ice. My DH didn't believe me until I showed him that it was soap. I had to put it away anyway because it made him hungry every time he saw it. Nothing like the boring coconut ice photos I can find on the internet!
This looks edible:
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Just saw this posted in one of my Facebook groups - I have to say this logic has crossed my mind more than once!